Parkinson's-like symptoms???

Discussion in 'Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction' started by ICanDoThis92, Feb 24, 2018.

  1. ICanDoThis92

    ICanDoThis92 Fapstronaut

    I lost another battle again today. Spent money on porn and masturbated.
    Afterwards, my body went in this sense of stress that caused body parts to twitch or move on their own.
    I am not an expert of what happens in the brain due to YEARS of unhealthy sexual habits, but has anyone else experienced symptoms like these?
  2. You are withdrawing from porn and masturbation. If you have just developed the twitches stop now because you will have a whole new host of symptoms that will get worse if you keep going down that road man!
  3. C_m

    C_m Fapstronaut

    Yes I've experienced a tremor, but it predates my efforts of abstaining from PMO. I have wondered if the tremor is a result of overuse of the dopamine system. It is much improved now, actually almost gone, but it's difficult to say what has caused the improvement. I've been abstinent for better than six months, have been in therapy, have returned to meditation, have had a number of acupuncture treatments, and have been on a beta blocker for over a month. Attacking on multiple fronts, so I can't say which of these has had an effect. The combination is probably more effective than any of them individually. If you're showing Parkinson's symptoms, you really need to get to the doctor. There's no definitive test, but there are things the doctor can check to see if it is Likely Parkinson's or not. I wish you well.