philosophical reasons for that you consider PMO/P bad


Hi! I am doing some research about addiction to porn and effects of masturbation(&porn) on human's body and psychology. But the can exist a philosophical point of view about these behaviours. Post your opinion.
Indulging in porn is contrary to what a person who would be defined as a philosopher would do. Philosophers place high value on intellectual virtues. And the intellect should be able to control the passions. Someone who is not in control of their passions cannot be a philosopher. This is because they have not attained self-control
Its interesting to think of it.
One of the oldest philosophy questions was what is the best way to live.
In this case, it is better to numb your emotions by pmo, going through this life without much risk and struggle.
Or is it better to break the addiction (which is hard) face the real problems in your life (also hard), for the chance of getting better life, relationship, children...
Is that a really better life? Because more problems come with that...
Its interesting to think of it.
One of the oldest philosophy questions was what is the best way to live.
In this case, it is better to numb your emotions by pmo, going through this life without much risk and struggle.
Or is it better to break the addiction (which is hard) face the real problems in your life (also hard), for the chance of getting better life, relationship, children...
Is that a really better life? Because more problems come with that...

Real problems I would say that will make you stronger, you're dealing with reality after all. The other way you are stuck and your opportunities to grow and gain strength are just about nil.