PII (Porn induced insomnia)


Hi guys,

Been a long time since I’ve posted. I’m still struggling with cutting out PMO for a number of different reasons that I won’t get into. What I did want to speak about is insomnia. More specifically, porn induced insomnia.

Basically I only get to PMO when SO is in bed and I find it so hard to resist. This tends to be quite late at night. The thing is once I’m done I find myself unable to sleep....at all. It’s having such a negative impact on my health. I basically sleep one day on, on day off. Can anyone else relate?
Hi guys,

Been a long time since I’ve posted. I’m still struggling with cutting out PMO for a number of different reasons that I won’t get into. What I did want to speak about is insomnia. More specifically, porn induced insomnia.

Basically I only get to PMO when SO is in bed and I find it so hard to resist. This tends to be quite late at night. The thing is once I’m done I find myself unable to sleep....at all. It’s having such a negative impact on my health. I basically sleep one day on, on day off. Can anyone else relate?

Its a stretch. I would consider other factors as cause for your sleep problems.
During my really bad phase of porn addiction, I was creeping out of bed at 3am and 5am to PMO, trying not to wake my wife or kids.

If that isn't addiction , I don't know what is!!
With all due respect. There is no doubt in my mind that’s it’s PMO causing it. I sleep fine all other times but PMO leaves me wired and awake.

Your body is supposed to be sleepy for you to fall asleep, sensation of sleepiness comes from released of hormones, hormones are released on schedule dictated by your sleep patterns and light exposure.
When your body decides its time to sleep you will feel drowsy and your eyes will close on their own, your will have poor attention, poor coordination, poor memory, constant yawning, due to reduced blood supply to the brain.
Healthy adult will feel very drowsy and fall asleep almost instantly when it is time to sleep.
You probably do not remember what it feels like to really be sleepy, your sleep rhythms are destroyed, you sit in front of blue light until it's time to sleep and most likely consume caffeine and other stimulants like sugar, without regard for what time it is.
All of the above demolishes your body's ability enter deep sleep and you mostly likely have poor sleep quality all the time, the fact that you are "knocked out" does not mean you have good sleep.
And then yes - it does not take much to completely prevent you from sleeping.
And you just want to blame it on PMO.
Your body is supposed to be sleepy for you to fall asleep, sensation of sleepiness comes from released of hormones, hormones are released on schedule dictated by your sleep patterns and light exposure.
When your body decides its time to sleep you will feel drowsy and your eyes will close on their own, your will have poor attention, poor coordination, poor memory, constant yawning, due to reduced blood supply to the brain.
Healthy adult will feel very drowsy and fall asleep almost instantly when it is time to sleep.
You probably do not remember what it feels like to really be sleepy, your sleep rhythms are destroyed, you sit in front of blue light until it's time to sleep and most likely consume caffeine and other stimulants like sugar, without regard for what time it is.
All of the above demolishes your body's ability enter deep sleep and you mostly likely have poor sleep quality all the time, the fact that you are "knocked out" does not mean you have good sleep.
And then yes - it does not take much to completely prevent you from sleeping.
And you just want to blame it on PMO.
Again, you don’t know me and are presuming my bedtime routine. Suggesting I ingest caffeine and sit in front of a lit screen hours before bed is all conjecture. I actually have fantastic sleep hygiene. I read, cut out stimulants and meditate. That’s why I’m so concerned that regardless of all this I don’t sleep if I’ve PmO’ed. I will literally get to the stage of reading a book unable to make sense of the words as I’m so tired and my eyes are unable to stay open, yet I won’t sleep.
Again, you don’t know me and are presuming my bedtime routine. Suggesting I ingest caffeine and sit in front of a lit screen hours before bed is all conjecture. I actually have fantastic sleep hygiene. I read, cut out stimulants and meditate. That’s why I’m so concerned that regardless of all this I don’t sleep if I’ve PmO’ed. I will literally get to the stage of reading a book unable to make sense of the words as I’m so tired and my eyes are unable to stay open, yet I won’t sleep.

You provided no information about your sleep habits, sleep quality or any other relevant data and you wonder why assumptions about your behavior are made?
When no information is available - generalized assumptions are going to be made.

Seems to me you came here to find others that have insomnia from porn use, so you can feel better about it. That's fine.
You provided no information about your sleep habits, sleep quality or any other relevant data and you wonder why assumptions about your behavior are made?
When no information is available - generalized assumptions are going to be made.

Seems to me you came here to find others that have insomnia from porn use, so you can feel better about it. That's fine.
That’s exactly why I’m here you moron. Please don’t comment on here again as your not helpful. You’re just posting overly verbose comments to look intelligent when actually you just come off as a twat.
Mine is different
I used PMO to relief stress & sleep
During my 1st month of hard mode i suffered severe insomnia
Now in 4th month still insomniac but better........
Mine is different
I used PMO to relief stress & sleep
During my 1st month of hard mode i suffered severe insomnia
Now in 4th month still insomniac but better........
Yeah most people report this. I have only found a couple of other people online that report the same as me.
That’s exactly why I’m here you moron. Please don’t comment on here again as your not helpful. You’re just posting overly verbose comments to look intelligent when actually you just come off as a twat.
Hi guys,

Been a long time since I’ve posted. I’m still struggling with cutting out PMO for a number of different reasons that I won’t get into. What I did want to speak about is insomnia. More specifically, porn induced insomnia.

Basically I only get to PMO when SO is in bed and I find it so hard to resist. This tends to be quite late at night. The thing is once I’m done I find myself unable to sleep....at all. It’s having such a negative impact on my health. I basically sleep one day on, on day off. Can anyone else relate?

Yeah insomnia during reboot is a b... I needed 6 months to see improvements. No matter how tired I was, I couldn't sleep. First 3 months were the worst. Not sleeping for 3-4 consecutive days was a new normal during that period. I've been so tired couple of times that my body just switched off during the day and I fell asleep on a toilet, train, car's rest stop on a high way... There is not much you can do about it. Just hold on and things will gradually get better. Especially because you were not long term compulsive daily binger like I was. Decades of long daily PM binges really FU brains' chemistry.
If it makes you feel any better, I had a similar problem at first as well. I now consistently get very respectable streaks and while I haven't been totally clean by any means I have seen marked improvements in my sleeping and insomnia.

Don't get me wrong, I still have bad nights, but when I used to PMO and early into my reboot I had true insomnia. Now, however - I sleep a lot better. It still takes me longer than the average person to get to sleep even on good nights I would say (average person takes about 10 minutes, usually takes me 20-30) but I used to have a proper problem and now it's mostly a minor annoyance. Definitely an improvement on before NoFap and early into my recovery.

Stick to it and no doubt you will improve. Remember that this tiredness is temporary, but if you give into PMO forever - well - that will be forever.