Porn addict ( foot fetish)

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Borussenjl, Oct 29, 2017.

  1. Borussenjl

    Borussenjl New Fapstronaut

    Hello, first thank you all for reading my post means a lot, i'm new here and really want to stop my addiction, its ruining my life

    So i'm a foot fetishist, since i was very young, i've always found that femal feets are attractive, even though i was too young ( 7 8 yeard old) , and had no idea whats a fetish is, so i grow up, and im getting more and more addicted to feet and specially girls wearing pantyhose or stockings,

    At the age of 14 15 i started watching porn like any other guy at this age, but i was only watching feet related contents like footjobs, footworshipping, foot massaging , dominas ... you get the idea ... and more the years passes, more i get into this, getting from one masturbation per week to masturbation everyday ! I knew i has a problem and was afraid to talk to someone about this , until 3 months ago, when i talked with my girlfriend about this .. that i like her feet and i get arroused by it, she was cool with it and pretty liked it, we couldnt get to the action since we dont live together, but i was happy that there is someone who didnt think that im a weirdo,

    For this particular reason i feel that i must only be with my girlfriend, and that i need to get rid of my porn addiction, but its really hard, by the way my girlfriend dont know about my porn adiction, she only know that im into feet.

    How can i get rid of this bloody addiction

    Thank you
    Jwill55 likes this.
  2. tweeby

    tweeby Banned

    I got a similar thing, I'm not sure where it comes from, just pretty little manicured toes, dainty feet, but nothing like dominatrix or anything like that.

    I just figured it was similar to liking like long legs, big breasts, (guys go on about big breasts but they do nothing for me, when I think big breasts I think fake silicon enhanced barbies and that's repulsive)-but no one sees that as unusual. It just another one of those kinks.
    Last edited: Oct 29, 2017