Porn Addiction has caused me to escalate to things that I'm not even into.

I started watching porn regularly at a very young age. I was exposed to porn around the age of 10 and began watching it on my own around age 12-13. Since then I've compulsively watched porn multiple times a day, I hate it. I am now 20 years old and in the past few years I have escalated to things that I am not actually even into just because they are the only thing that can give that dopamine rush anymore. It started a few years ago with that step sister fetish you see on pornhub all the time, then it moved onto things like BDSM and a daddy kink, after that more taboo forced fantasies. I knew i hated it but continued anyway because of the crave for that bigger dopamine hit. Around 2 years ago it hit the point where i was like "What the fuck am I doing?" when i escalated to Trans porn. It distressed me because I have never been attracted to men in my life, in real life I have only ever felt arousal, attraction, and had crushes on women. Hell, my sexual awakening was a video i saw of a girl in yoga pants lol. But at the same time it created this anxiety that caused more sexual tension thus making the dopamine hit stronger. Since then I have escalated to femboy/gay porn because its one of the only things my fucked up brain isn't desensitized to yet and I hate it. Only because I know it doesn't reflect me, I know that I am straight. I always end up feeling disgusted immediately after and DURING masturbating to those fetishes. And as of recently, I've even started to grow numb to them. That's why I am here, I hate what porn has done to me, the way it's fucked up my sense of attraction and made me lose myself. I don't want to escalate any further, I've already crossed into territory that isn't me, I don't want to get worse. If anyone else has experienced this or at least understands can you give me some advice or at least some encouragement that I can reverse this and get the real me back?
I can 100% relate to your story because it is similar to mine. I was first addicted to lesbian porn and remember one day i was searching for a new video to watch and somehow my lesbian porn search led to a trans porn video. My first reaction was to close it and find something normal (like porn is really normal). But the next day I was there again looking for that trans porn. For the longest time I would flip flop back and forth between lesbian and trans porn. It even got so bad that I called a couple of trans escorts, but never followed through on meeting them. Eventually over time I moved onto gay porn. Like you I would watch it and thing "what the f am i doing?" I knew it was the escalation factor because I have never been attracted to guys. My rock bottom moment was doing phone sex with a guy.

I got serious about NoFap after that and I successfully quit porn. It took some time for me but I got back to feeling normal and found that any attraction that was created because of porn went away. I can't tell you how long it will take but quit porn and you'll get back to normal.
I can 100% relate to your story because it is similar to mine. I was first addicted to lesbian porn and remember one day i was searching for a new video to watch and somehow my lesbian porn search led to a trans porn video. My first reaction was to close it and find something normal (like porn is really normal). But the next day I was there again looking for that trans porn. For the longest time I would flip flop back and forth between lesbian and trans porn. It even got so bad that I called a couple of trans escorts, but never followed through on meeting them. Eventually over time I moved onto gay porn. Like you I would watch it and thing "what the f am i doing?" I knew it was the escalation factor because I have never been attracted to guys. My rock bottom moment was doing phone sex with a guy.

I got serious about NoFap after that and I successfully quit porn. It took some time for me but I got back to feeling normal and found that any attraction that was created because of porn went away. I can't tell you how long it will take but quit porn and you'll get back to normal.
Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only who has been through this. Do you have any advice on how to start nofap and quitting porn?
I started watching porn regularly at a very young age. I was exposed to porn around the age of 10 and began watching it on my own around age 12-13. Since then I've compulsively watched porn multiple times a day, I hate it. I am now 20 years old and in the past few years I have escalated to things that I am not actually even into just because they are the only thing that can give that dopamine rush anymore. It started a few years ago with that step sister fetish you see on pornhub all the time, then it moved onto things like BDSM and a daddy kink, after that more taboo forced fantasies. I knew i hated it but continued anyway because of the crave for that bigger dopamine hit. Around 2 years ago it hit the point where i was like "What the fuck am I doing?" when i escalated to Trans porn. It distressed me because I have never been attracted to men in my life, in real life I have only ever felt arousal, attraction, and had crushes on women. Hell, my sexual awakening was a video i saw of a girl in yoga pants lol. But at the same time it created this anxiety that caused more sexual tension thus making the dopamine hit stronger. Since then I have escalated to femboy/gay porn because its one of the only things my fucked up brain isn't desensitized to yet and I hate it. Only because I know it doesn't reflect me, I know that I am straight. I always end up feeling disgusted immediately after and DURING masturbating to those fetishes. And as of recently, I've even started to grow numb to them. That's why I am here, I hate what porn has done to me, the way it's fucked up my sense of attraction and made me lose myself. I don't want to escalate any further, I've already crossed into territory that isn't me, I don't want to get worse. If anyone else has experienced this or at least understands can you give me some advice or at least some encouragement that I can reverse this and get the real me back?

Yes, it happens to me. Simply put, my sex addiction stemmed from fetishes / sadism. I started masturbating at 12 y/o but I hated porn at that time, I thought porn was too much for me. At first, I only masturbated through visualization of the fantasies. But as time went by, it became like this:

Visualization > Images > Videos > Making sadistic scenes from video games > BDSM / Torture scenes (porn sites)
And in recent years, I can't believe I become attracted to porn, which I once hated it. I can totally relate to you, I also had a "what the fxxk am I doing" feeling, once I realized my addiction has gone too far.

I have been on PMO for around 20 years. Yet, I think everything can be undone if I really want it. So here I am now, trying to quit it forever.
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Thank you, I'm glad I'm not the only who has been through this. Do you have any advice on how to start nofap and quitting porn?

The only piece of advice I can offer (and it worked for me) is that when you feel the urge to watch porn, find something else to do with your time. When I got serious about quitting porn, I started keeping a detailed journal, writing how I felt before and after watching porn. Through this journal I was able to identify my root cause for watching porn and be able to address it. Much to my surprise I was watching porn out of boredom. Working from home and it's a slow day, I would watch porn. It's the weekend and I had nothing to do, I would watch porn. I was not watching porn when I had plenty of work to do or something to do or somewhere to go on the weekend. Now when I have the urge to watch porn, I find something to occupy my mind for 5-10 minutes and the urge is gone. It could be something simple like going for a quick walk, or a 5 minute workout, or cleaning the house a little bit, read a book, just something to occupy my mind and preferable away from any screens.
Feels like trans/femboy porn is like the end of the road for an addict. So many end up there it's so sad. I'm truly blessed that I never crossed that line, but I have my problems too...

I'm not sure if that's true. I've watched it a few times but never got hooked. I went through a short phase a few years back where for a few weeks I only watched porn where a transwoman would have sex with real (regular) women. Not sure why I was into it and why I dropped it so fast. But it provided some evidence to me just how flexible sexuality really is.
I'm not sure if that's true. I've watched it a few times but never got hooked. I went through a short phase a few years back where for a few weeks I only watched porn where a transwoman would have sex with real (regular) women. Not sure why I was into it and why I dropped it so fast. But it provided some evidence to me just how flexible sexuality really is.
Have you watch those hypno video? Maybe that's why so many get hooked.
Feels like trans/femboy porn is like the end of the road for an addict. So many end up there it's so sad. I'm truly blessed that I never crossed that line, but I have my problems too...

It's not the end road, cp is. I watched every type of porn from straight to trans/gay which made me question myself for a year now. But it can get way worse, like gore, snuff, or animal stuff that I was watched in my life. I even developed a submissive thing that just made things worse and it's just from porn. In real life, I'll never do that, but spending much of my time inside the house, alone, without a'll just keep watching some f up things that will make you question who you are as a person.
It's not the end road, cp is. I watched every type of porn from straight to trans/gay which made me question myself for a year now. But it can get way worse, like gore, snuff, or animal stuff that I was watched in my life. I even developed a submissive thing that just made things worse and it's just from porn. In real life, I'll never do that, but spending much of my time inside the house, alone, without a'll just keep watching some f up things that will make you question who you are as a person.
Yeah I guess it can always get worse... But I feel like trans porn is the moment people realize how bad can porn affect their daily life.