I started watching porn regularly at a very young age. I was exposed to porn around the age of 10 and began watching it on my own around age 12-13. Since then I've compulsively watched porn multiple times a day, I hate it. I am now 20 years old and in the past few years I have escalated to things that I am not actually even into just because they are the only thing that can give that dopamine rush anymore. It started a few years ago with that step sister fetish you see on pornhub all the time, then it moved onto things like BDSM and a daddy kink, after that more taboo forced fantasies. I knew i hated it but continued anyway because of the crave for that bigger dopamine hit. Around 2 years ago it hit the point where i was like "What the fuck am I doing?" when i escalated to Trans porn. It distressed me because I have never been attracted to men in my life, in real life I have only ever felt arousal, attraction, and had crushes on women. Hell, my sexual awakening was a video i saw of a girl in yoga pants lol. But at the same time it created this anxiety that caused more sexual tension thus making the dopamine hit stronger. Since then I have escalated to femboy/gay porn because its one of the only things my fucked up brain isn't desensitized to yet and I hate it. Only because I know it doesn't reflect me, I know that I am straight. I always end up feeling disgusted immediately after and DURING masturbating to those fetishes. And as of recently, I've even started to grow numb to them. That's why I am here, I hate what porn has done to me, the way it's fucked up my sense of attraction and made me lose myself. I don't want to escalate any further, I've already crossed into territory that isn't me, I don't want to get worse. If anyone else has experienced this or at least understands can you give me some advice or at least some encouragement that I can reverse this and get the real me back?