New Fapstronaut
So in 2 days im going to be 30 days PMO free, so taking advantage of this, i will do an "experiment" where im going to PMO once per month (during 3 months) and in the last month im going to put the results here. Probably you're gonna ask to me: "Why the hell you are doing this you idiot".
Well my brother, cousins and a lot of people i know, use porn in a moderate way, and they have a normal life and they don't have any problems like most of us do, even there is a lot of articles and studies that say that porn is healthy in moderation. Maybe that is the key to use porn?, in a moderate way?. That is what i'm going to check if it's true or not.
In 2 days it will my first month in this experiment.
Wish me luck... Remind my sacrifice for the science!.
PS: im crazy lolo
PS.2: Im sorry for my bad english hah
Well my brother, cousins and a lot of people i know, use porn in a moderate way, and they have a normal life and they don't have any problems like most of us do, even there is a lot of articles and studies that say that porn is healthy in moderation. Maybe that is the key to use porn?, in a moderate way?. That is what i'm going to check if it's true or not.
In 2 days it will my first month in this experiment.
Wish me luck... Remind my sacrifice for the science!.
PS: im crazy lolo
PS.2: Im sorry for my bad english hah