control men and make them slaves to there urges
IMHO - it's a bit bigger than the porn industry. In a capitalistic society there are two ways to grow your business. Have people use your products or services more often or add new customers. This works up to a point. When you're Coke, you really don't give a ratzazz if people become diabetics. Does McD care about blocked coronary arteries? Does the porn industry care if you develop fetishes or act out in public and get arrested? Hell no.
They all see P&Ls and Q10s and satisfying the stockholders. Don't get me wrong. Capitalism is not all evil. But when products are developed (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) to addict then it's a issue.
The solution? Become a whole person. Someone who can decide what they want based on sound judgement. Society wants people to believe freedom is found in doing anything a person wants. This is perverted. True freedom comes from being able to say no to virtually everything and yes to those things that help a person grow. So when that hollywood movie star flashes her breasts or panties for attention, the question becomes - are you a "sucker"? You gonna take a peek? I'm sure she wants you too! Or will you decide you (and me!) choose control?
Also factored into all of this is the "it's ok" for you argument. And from my standpoint, it may be ok for whoever, but my standards are a bit different. It's not ok for me. And in regards "flash babes, porn stars, hung studs and overtly horny naughty ladies", sorry, but I don't have time to feed your self reflecting egos.