The thing is, though, I don't want religion in my thread. Your arguments are weak with that given premise. Please take it elsewhere.
This is the first time you say that you don't want religion in your thread. Therefore I will respect not speaking to you,
since I don't believe you to be a person who would be willing to listen to reason anyway.
But as for the rest of the arguments, I will not take your word for it.
Still no topic belongs to you in my belief, so in my understanding if I wanted to, I could still respond to other people
who are not you and who will give their religious responses.
Yes, it is. The first amendment applies to government interference. This is a privately-owned website that can make its own rules so long as they don't go against certain laws.
I'm not a lawyer, so I'm going to pass on this topic.
Seems like NoFap is a religiously intolerant site.
End of communication.