porn / online chat /snap chat / kik addiction


New Fapstronaut
so I was exposed to porn around 12 years old and was addicted to it by age 13-14 around that time I started with Omegle / Kik and I would always catfish because I was embarrassed and ashamed to use my identity years later I got into being a sub since I needed something more extreme and made videos I am truly ashamed of, I got catfished by guys a couple of times pretending to be a girl which made me even more ashamed it took down a dark rabbit hole of a sexting addiction I wasted all my teen years isolated because of this I lost sense of reality and became a zombie and then around 8 months ago I did something I'm truly ashamed of and contemplated suicide because of this, I sexted with a 13-year-old I was 21 at the time it happened only once not saying that makes it any better it sent me into a depressive spiral when I realized what I have done eventually I felt better and a couple of weeks ago it came back to me and the guilt is eating me alive I am now on nofab for almost 13 days please help
so I was exposed to porn around 12 years old and was addicted to it by age 13-14 around that time I started with Omegle / Kik and I would always catfish because I was embarrassed and ashamed to use my identity years later I got into being a sub since I needed something more extreme and made videos I am truly ashamed of, I got catfished by guys a couple of times pretending to be a girl which made me even more ashamed it took down a dark rabbit hole of a sexting addiction I wasted all my teen years isolated because of this I lost sense of reality and became a zombie and then around 8 months ago I did something I'm truly ashamed of and contemplated suicide because of this, I sexted with a 13-year-old I was 21 at the time it happened only once not saying that makes it any better it sent me into a depressive spiral when I realized what I have done eventually I felt better and a couple of weeks ago it came back to me and the guilt is eating me alive I am now on nofab for almost 13 days please help
The mistake you made, while illegal, is forgiveable. At least you still feel remorse over it and for your past and this should be used as a strong deterrent to keep you clean

I cringe so hard at the disgusting perverted things i used to do when i was in high school. At least you’re working to get yourself out of this quagmire. The longer you stay clean, the less warped your thinking will be. You will become purer less perverted

What i recommend is delete any and all sexts you have ever saved up. (hopefully you’ve reached the point where you realize you gotta be radical). And delete any and all apps or things you used to use to sext. And eliminate the thought of ever downloading them again

Good luck