Porn v/s Smoking ?


It is a very odd thing to ask , Which should I quit ? smoking or porn ? The logical answer is both . But it is easier said than done .
PORN destroys your mental health , motivation , self-confidence etc
while Smoking is harmful for your physical health , lungs , stamina etc
Both are basically drugs , they give a dopamine boost , but the side effects are quiet different .
At this point in life when I don't have a passion to follow presumably because of PORN addiction , I don't care about my physical health all that much . And smoking actually helps get on with life without getting all depressed ( The reason I started Smoking was depression ).
I just want to free myself from the shackles of this porn addiction and live a happy life , I want to follow my dreams like normal people ( which I am not even able to pin point ).
Smoking is not the problem for me , people just say quit it without understanding . I want to get my life all sorted out first . Then I will do whatever I deem necessary .
TLRD ; I want to sort my life , HOW ?