I think you should completely abstain from porn. Then again, I am biased because it ruined my life. Also I only use a public library computer and have my phone run on safe mode (only call and text). I've cut out video games along with everything else and it has helped me immensely. I don't know if you are in college or not, but video games is a habit that is eventually phased out as academics becomes more and more hectic.
You will become more productive in the life the less you become attached to dopamine fixes. Take an introspective step back and really try to look at how you spend time on your computer? Do you spend every minute in front of a screen relating to school work, or do you browse randomly from time to time, click on random Youtube videos, look up random pictures, or carelessly scroll through social media. This is probably the only website that I use that doesn't serve any academic purpose whatsoever, but is merely a place where I can post my journal and occasionally look at new threads created by members. I'm not saying you should follow what I say or put what I believe into practice; but I feel many people around me can "trim fat" from their lives (literally and metaphorically) as this society needs constant distraction. It is amazing what can be accomplished and how little you need to live in such a world.