Possible to relapse in 5-6 months


I feel like the better your feel as time goes on that you start to let your guard down and get close to relapsing again.

I do feel way better at this point and it almost gets me to think that PMO was never a problem and I feel a relapse coming on. It is incredible when we all understand how anxiety is induced when we look at pornography as well. I never want to go back to that and have to start over. It shows what these images do to us as well..

How have others death with possible relapse going into five or six months of no PMO...?? I know there has to be a point in time where the mind will take you back to PMO when most of the withdrawal is over as we get that sense of well being back.
I have had some good streaks, and my success has come from filling my life with meaningful things, sharing on nofap, and basking in the success of my reboot. My failures have come when I've let feeling sorry about myself, or feeling arrogant, control my behavior. As long as we can remember that we control our feelings, words, and actions, we can be successful. We can't control the thoughts that come into our head, but we can choose not to dwell on them, think different thoughts, and get through the crisis.

Calm thoughts---->calm feelings---->calm words---->calm actions! (Repeat 10,000 times or as needed!)
Hey BigOne79, how are you doing? Thinking about relapse is OK, just don't overdo it. It could be a sign your mind is playing tricks on you.

How have others death with possible relapse going into five or six months of no PMO...??

Two words answer… Very badly. All my +3 months streaks ended in months long full blown relapses. Staying near my computer after a slip turned out to be a disaster in the past. I have no illusion that this time around I'll do lifelong perfect streak without slips. That's why I have thought out emergency plan how to prevent relapse if slip happens. I talked to my boss asking him if he would cover for me if I'd take 2 or 3 days off work on daily notice no questions asked and he agreed to it. I have prepacked backpack with everything that I'd need for 3 days trip plus some money on the side in my car. First thing that I'll do if slip happens, I'll call boss, turn my phone off, book a bus/train/plane ticket, grab my backpack and go for a 3 days walk. I figured out that if I walk 8-12 hours a day for 3 days in some unknown environment, it would take my mind away from thinking about returning to binge PMO rabbit hole. I know it looks drastic, but desperate times require desperate measures. I'm too old and to tired to go though another relapse period. I couldn' t deal with it. My compulsive binge behavior is very bad and it gets worse with every relapse. I've been relapsing for 2 decades and I payed for it dearly. This has to stop now.
Hey BigOne79, how are you doing? Thinking about relapse is OK, just don't overdo it. It could be a sign your mind is playing tricks on you.

Two words answer… Very badly. All my +3 months streaks ended in months long full blown relapses. Staying near my computer after a slip turned out to be a disaster in the past. I have no illusion that this time around I'll do lifelong perfect streak without slips. That's why I have thought out emergency plan how to prevent relapse if slip happens. I talked to my boss asking him if he would cover for me if I'd take 2 or 3 days off work on daily notice no questions asked and he agreed to it. I have prepacked backpack with everything that I'd need for 3 days trip plus some money on the side in my car. First thing that I'll do if slip happens, I'll call boss, turn my phone off, book a bus/train/plane ticket, grab my backpack and go for a 3 days walk. I figured out that if I walk 8-12 hours a day for 3 days in some unknown environment, it would take my mind away from thinking about returning to binge PMO rabbit hole. I know it looks drastic, but desperate times require desperate measures. I'm too old and to tired to go though another relapse period. I couldn' t deal with it. My compulsive binge behavior is very bad and it gets worse with every relapse. I've been relapsing for 2 decades and I payed for it dearly. This has to stop now.
It feels like my mind is playing tricks on me. I actually have felt the best just this past Monday and my mind started slowly pushing me towards relapse when I about started browsing images. I stopped myself within a few seconds and put the phone aside.

I honestly could not believe the anxiety those few seconds started to produce in me. It is a fact what this stuff does to a person inducing depression, anxiety, etc. I feel the libido come back slowly now and my mind starts wandering and fantasizing which I have to stop as well.

I am really hoping for some of the PIED to start going away as this is the beginning of fifth month so I need to stay strong. I know you were saying five to six months but who knows as everybody is different.

I think once we start feeling better about ourselves our brain tricks us into thinking porn was never the problem but in fact it was.

You have a GREAT plan there Fenix and you are very determined and I like that as well. I need to develop my plan as well when weakness happens. It’s unvelievable but my weakness is more the fantasizing and not the porn. One will lead to the other for sure though.

Happy Thursday! I really cannot wait until there is a glimpse of spring and walking in nature again is my habit. You know I am actually going to go to golfing range as well once the weather gets better. Another mode to help when urges come on.