Problem with exhibitionism


I have been doing a good job at fighting PMO, but I think I'm in trouble with virtual exhibitionism. I just feel the need of showing myself in front of the cam, and i also find myself looking for other exhibitionists frequently. I got interested on a nudists lifestyle, but even if I'm not pursuing s3xual intentions / attempts, I feel that deep down it's just an excuse to show myself naked. I'm gay, and ofc I prefer to look for other like-minded guys. The problem is when this starts disrupting my flow and focus at the moment of working or doing other important things, it's like I'm crazy wishing to be free to be able cam. I tend to add friends, exchange pics, or cam, and after some time delete them. Not sure about how to deal with this. I have installed and uninstalled reddit several times looking for exhibitionist and nudists, I say that I will not be back doing the same thing but I just feel strong urges and it's a matter of time to get back at it. I feel that the stronger this behavior becomes itself, the closer I'm to get back on PMO, because the urges of showing evolves, so it can easily become in sexting.

What do you think that I can do?

(DM open btw, thanks in advance! I could be using this thread to update about my progress, but I would really feel comfortable on DM, maybe finding an AP. Also if you experiencing the same things or similar we can support each r other if you want)
I used to do it when i was 18-19 years, and honestly i regeret so hard. The ammount of weirdos, cucks and other shit heads talked to me... I can't even explain how weird that experience was. Btw, i'm straight and every sort of people saw my tool : straight men and women, homosexual men and women and trans.

I hope you can overcome this because that's an addiction aswell and could harm your life in the future.
I used to do it when i was 18-19 years, and honestly i regeret so hard. The ammount of weirdos, cucks and other shit heads talked to me... I can't even explain how weird that experience was. Btw, i'm straight and every sort of people saw my tool : straight men and women, homosexual men and women and trans.

I hope you can overcome this because that's an addiction aswell and could harm your life in the future.

As I can understand, did you overcome that behavior already? You are completely right in what you just said, and that's why I'm worried and want to solve this, to not get out of control more than what I feel I'm am now. Even if I prefer men, I have noticed that my pleasure and excitement comes from the reaction of the watcher 99%, and that's where the trap and addiction is. Its a dark world that makes the fact to show seems inoffensive, when it's a a serious matter with implications in health and life in general
I hope that you get the help that you need. It does not sound like a healthy hobby or a good lifestyle
I really appreciate your words. I will be doing my utmost to heal for sure, I don't want this for my life. I find it hard to deal with this problem alone, so I'm coming to this community
As I can understand, did you overcome that behavior already? You are completely right in what you just said, and that's why I'm worried and want to solve this, to not get out of control more than what I feel I'm am now. Even if I prefer men, I have noticed that my pleasure and excitement comes from the reaction of the watcher 99%, and that's where the trap and addiction is. Its a dark world that makes the fact to show seems inoffensive, when it's a a serious matter with implications in health and life in general
Yeah, i already overcomed. However, i still get some flashbacks about that moment and it's so tempting to do that again. I saw in many aggregator sites my nudes and i'm working to take them off from those. Of course i won't have 100% of them erased from internet but hopefully 90% - 95% at least i think is possible. That's another reason that makes me stay away from that behaviour, you don't know how much weirdos are gonna see it and where they will share.

The best to do is to stay away from porn and any other sort of degenerate content. I'm 120% sure that without porn, i would NEVER engage with such filthy attitude.

Edit : Actually all of these images uploaded to these aggregating sites were deleted and those sites were shut down.
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Yeah, i already overcomed. However, i still get some flashbacks about that moment and it's so tempting to do that again. I saw in many aggregator sites my nudes and i'm working to take them off from those. Of course i won't have 100% of them erased from internet but hopefully 90% - 95% at least i think is possible. That's another reason that makes me stay away from that behaviour, you don't know how much weirdos are gonna see it and where they will share.

The best to do is to stay away from porn and any other sort of degenerate content. I'm 120% sure that without porn, i would NEVER engage with such filthy attitude.

I can imagine how uncomfortable it is to know that something that personal is still on internet in the hands of who knows. That's another reason for me to want to stop this, because I do the same with my pictures. Lately I have decided to delete everything I share to others, to protect myself a little bit, but at the end I ended up deleting and blocking contacts, just to add new ones later, so It is a vicious circle. I'm glad you overcomed it and continued to stand firm in your decision not to come back, even if you eventually feel tempted. This a good reads to be on alert constantly, cause you never know when a fall is coming, as they said: "Prevention is better than cure".

I must say that your testimony and personal experience has motivated and reinforced me to want to continue quitting this addiction, so thank you bro
Hi @power369, I did read your posts and can relate a lot. You ask what you can do? I'd say when it comes to addiction or compulsive behavior it doesn't really matter what it is. Whether it is alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping, eating ... The question is what is our behavior good for? What do we get from drinking or sexting, exhibiting? What are we trying to fulfill with it? And here's an interesting episode

Needless to say that whatever our compuslive behavior is, if we want to quit we got to go for healthy behavior we can do instead and that gives us fulfillment. What do you value in life? Where do you want to be in a year from now? What kind of man do you want to be? Where do you want to go in life?
For me it didn't work to fight the urges, fight my behavior cause fighting what is is exhausting and a relapse brings relief. Fighting what is means applying an avoidance strategy, away from something. But better than fighting the old is building the new. Apply a move toward strategy. These are a few thoughts that come to my mind. Maybe they are helpful. While we cannot control the urges, the waves ... we can learn to surf. YAY!
Hi @power369, I did read your posts and can relate a lot. You ask what you can do? I'd say when it comes to addiction or compulsive behavior it doesn't really matter what it is. Whether it is alcohol, drugs, sex, shopping, eating ... The question is what is our behavior good for? What do we get from drinking or sexting, exhibiting? What are we trying to fulfill with it? And here's an interesting episode

Needless to say that whatever our compuslive behavior is, if we want to quit we got to go for healthy behavior we can do instead and that gives us fulfillment. What do you value in life? Where do you want to be in a year from now? What kind of man do you want to be? Where do you want to go in life?
For me it didn't work to fight the urges, fight my behavior cause fighting what is is exhausting and a relapse brings relief. Fighting what is means applying an avoidance strategy, away from something. But better than fighting the old is building the new. Apply a move toward strategy. These are a few thoughts that come to my mind. Maybe they are helpful. While we cannot control the urges, the waves ... we can learn to surf. YAY!

I really appreciate the time you took to write all this and for the video, my friend. I'll watch it for sure! I loved that what you said of: "better than fighting the old is building the new" and that of "While we cannot control the urges, the waves ... we can learn to surf". This is gold.

You have a good point, and I guess that's that main reason of relapses, fighting urges. The resistence at some moment is broken by the tension. The challenge is to build the new without distracting with the old, because the old will be demanding to be feed

Today is my second day clean since the last cam relapse (no PMO), doing my best to finish it with success. I'm committed to this, and that kind of material that you just shared is really helpful. Thanks again!
Glad my thoughts resonate with you and congratulations for staying clean. Yeah, fighting is tiring and then there is no more energy to move on, move forward and risks are high we need some reward for all the fighting and then get the quick fix. From my experience I can say that recovery isn't a linear process. There are ups and downs, back and forth. Important is that we never give up and grow in strenght, one day at a time. It can be overwhelming to take NEVER AGAIN as a goal. What is doable is One Day At a Time, giving oneself a promis to stay clean and sober for the coming 24 hours.
We're in this together and that's the huge benefit this community can offer. Sharing and getting it out, no shame, no blame, giving and receiving support. Stay strong and stay on your toes, be alert but do not tighten up, relax and be committed. Like in martial arts :)
Coming here to update about my case. I had a relapse and reopened an Skype exhibitionist account, and now trying to persuade myself to stop it again. At least I didn't find activity there, just opened the account and saw contacts. I'm aware that I'm not gaining nothing from it, but it's just so impulsive. I disabled the account again and it should be deleted on 30 days if I don't reopen
Yeah, I did reopen as well, many times. Good you didn't find any activity. If you can delete the email address attached to your Skype account then change your password to some you cannot remember, deactivate account and delete email address. I did that and then I couldn't log back into the same account.
Yeah, I did reopen as well, many times. Good you didn't find any activity. If you can delete the email address attached to your Skype account then change your password to some you cannot remember, deactivate account and delete email address. I did that and then I couldn't log back into the same account.

I hadn't thought about that idea. Great idea brother, thank you! I think if I change the password to one I don't remember and close the account it will be impossible to reopen it even if I'm frustrated. In fact I have reopened it over 3-4 times so far, interrupting the account deleting process. I will do that.

Last night I had a real relapse in that Skype account, though, but I will take this measure that you just mentioned! . And try to fill that with something healthy. I'm trying to focus more on workout but it has not been that easy either, the discipline, but I won't give up
Sorry to hear you relapsed and yeah, giving up is no option :) That is great. Recovery is no linear process and while relapses can occur we can still get back up and keep going. Speaking of discipline ... have you ever done a value elicitation? This brings a light to your values. Once they are clear living in alignment with your values can replace the need for discipline.
I have had big problems with this in the past, I have had some isolated relapse some time ago ad big urges recently, reading this forum helps, it is possibleto quit even if not always easy, sorry if my written english is not so good, best whishes to you all
Sorry to hear you relapsed and yeah, giving up is no option :) That is great. Recovery is no linear process and while relapses can occur we can still get back up and keep going. Speaking of discipline ... have you ever done a value elicitation? This brings a light to your values. Once they are clear living in alignment with your values can replace the need for discipline.

That's a great idea and yep, I'm working on it. I mean, I have good reasons to quit the exhibitionist behavior. Very strong reasons like, not to expose myself to unknown ppl, take care of my energy and spend more doing healthier things. Being more productive, etc. In spiritual terms, I want to give myself the value I have.

The problem is when I lost the route, and my addict mind wants to forget that during the temptations, it's like nothing worst, just the pleasure, but I guess that means I need to work more on those values and reasons to quit this behavior...

So far all good but still facing urges... I'm also glad that I finally can't reopen my Skype account
I have had big problems with this in the past, I have had some isolated relapse some time ago ad big urges recently, reading this forum helps, it is possibleto quit even if not always easy, sorry if my written english is not so good, best whishes to you all

Sorry to hear that you are fighting the same issue man. And thanks for your words. I think we can success! If we fall we have to get up, that's the only way bro.

And don't worry about your English, its alright, mine it's not perfect either hehe (not my native language)
I relate to your situation buddy - I guess I’ve been in a similar place. Right now… I’m over 13 months clean. I’ve not been on cam or wanked for that long!

it’s tough - but as you do it it becomes easier and you can look back on what you did knowing it’s further and further away from the new you. It’s easier to say no now even though the thoughts and urges sometimes are still there.

good luck buddy - I hope you find your way through this.
That's a great idea and yep, I'm working on it. I mean, I have good reasons to quit the exhibitionist behavior. Very strong reasons like, not to expose myself to unknown ppl, take care of my energy and spend more doing healthier things. Being more productive, etc. In spiritual terms, I want to give myself the value I have.

The problem is when I lost the route, and my addict mind wants to forget that during the temptations, it's like nothing worst, just the pleasure, but I guess that means I need to work more on those values and reasons to quit this behavior...

So far all good but still facing urges... I'm also glad that I finally can't reopen my Skype account
Yeah, the work never ends. But it shouldn't be work that's tiresome, frustrating or pulling us down. In Twelve Steps I learned: You either work on relapse or on recovery. And: One day at a time.
Urges will always occur, they may get softer but then all of a sudden a strong tsunami can hit us again. Just like in nature. We need to be prepared. And work on recovery even on days when we feel all safe and well. Working on mindset, body awareness, have some recovery tools at hand. And values help to know why we're doing it. Values can give us purpose and are compelling. I mean who wouldn't want to be free, joyful or passionate. That's what we go for. We set the direction and head off to a free and liberatiing life. If we stumble we stumble and get back up and keep the direction and keep going. Check what led to the stumble, was it complacence, laziness, carelessness then adjust and move on. We do it cause we're worth it. We are worthy of love, we are lovable. Love is a high value too. Choose actions that serve the purpose of fulifilling your values, with it comes a good and solid self-esteem, cause we walk the talk :) YAY! Stay strong and know that you are not alone, we are in this together.
I relate to your situation buddy - I guess I’ve been in a similar place. Right now… I’m over 13 months clean. I’ve not been on cam or wanked for that long!

it’s tough - but as you do it it becomes easier and you can look back on what you did knowing it’s further and further away from the new you. It’s easier to say no now even though the thoughts and urges sometimes are still there.

good luck buddy - I hope you find your way through this.

Its really encouraging to read success stories. I want to get there too bro. Congratulations for those 13 months clean!

This behavior somehow makes us feel like slaves, there is no more choice than quittting it. I remember what it feels to be free, without the urge of showing off or PMO (which is not my main problem, but still and part of it sometimes).

I won't give up and will join to the success stories group, thanks for sharing! Reading this starting my day strengthens my motivation tbh