Problems i've menaged to Identify so far


As a result of my recent Relapse, I've come to realize somethings:
•I have anxiety and I didn't know, the reason i'm saying that is because im exoeriencing shortness of breath, and when im distracted doing something or FAPPING, I breath normaly without any liabiliy
•I became used to relapsing as a result of not taking recovery seriously
•If I break One single rule from the ones I made, I have a high risk of Relapsing
Now, I have to work on my anxiety, and the reason I am anxious is because of my Finals they were delayed so far, that i have to pass 7 monthes thinking about it (2monthes to go)
Also one thing that I really have to fix, Is the "Chaser Effect", I personaly don't like the concepts of counting days, surely I subconciously count but don't give much attention to it anymore, But once I relapse, ITS HELL, I keep relapsing afterwards everyday for a period of time, And it's Always around 10 to 13 days that I relapse and go straight down to the hell of constant relapses. Yes it would be prefrerable to NOT relapse in the first place, and I'm working on it, BUT, IF I do relapse, HOW THE HELL DO I RESIST THAT CHASER EFFECT ?!
Thanks for your time
If you're having problems with Chaser, put some blockers on for a bit and make sure you have plenty to do for the next few days.
If you're having problems with Chaser, put some blockers on for a bit and make sure you have plenty to do for the next few days.
Well I usualy don't have a problem with that, most of the times I relapse because I think about porn stuff and not actualy stumbling into them while surfing the net, Once I think about it its really hard to resist it
I'm also going through this now. I just keep relapsing and get no progress. They said that keep learning how to abstain PMO systematically and I'm trying now. Maybe you could also try this.
Can you explain "systematically"
Well I mean to abstain PMO you should not just focus on abstaining but you need a system to improve yourself, in every aspect, completely. You need to change your lifestyle, your eating habits and many many things in your life if they are bad or not healthy in the ordinary way. They said that it is because PMO is mixed with other bad habits of your life that makes you feel really hard to get rid of them. It just like "1+1﹥2".
If I relapse, I try to go at least 24 hours without relapsing again, it requires maximum focus. If I relapse within 48 hours of my last relapse, I'm nearly guaranteed to go on a binge, not good. After those 24 hours, focus on 24 more. Only then you can loosen up, the first two days are critical for me.