Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Deleted Account, Sep 3, 2019.

If you could eliminate 80% of your procrastination, your life will increase by (10 is the highest)

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  1. Dear fellow Self-Improving Friends!

    I realized now that my current biggest problem is procrastination. I will try to deal with it by research: I am going to read through procrastination articles, posts, journals and so on, filter the important information out of it, frame the different approaches and try them out.

    For this I need your help! If you have any great sources (newspaper articles, blog posts, books) on this topic, please put them into this thread! :)

    Please comment your views and thoughts about Procrastination aswell. How it affects your life (and to what extend) and how you think you could deal with it. Have you tried to deal with it already? Have you succeeded or relapsed?

    Thank you for your support. I am trying to tackle this obstacle in my life. With the gained insights I will make recent updates in my journal and I will make detailed summarys of my discoveries aswell. (as my journal is lengthy and will not interest you greatly if you look only for the procrastination aspect)
    Jonny1992 likes this.
  2. Insight gained: starting is difficult

    Insight gained: Pomodoro Technique helps tremendously to fight the starting difficulties

    Ask yourself 'What do you Need to do so that the 'Tomorrow-You' is proud?'