Progress So Far...


New Fapstronaut
I've started doing nofap sine June-July this year and I've been introduced to it via searching for the Death-Grip phenomena on google since I obviously have trouble feeling pleasure during sexual activities and it's not quite the same when I masturbate and watch porn in the process.

I've noticed that I had a problem when I was doing foreplay with my girl then... she would give me handjobs and I wouldn't feel a thing, well not really not a thing but it would just like she's giving me a massage but with severely minimal pleasure involved.

I've been masturbating and looking at porn since I was 13-14 (I don't quite remember but I do know that it's in the middle of those two years) from masturbating once a day to twice then thrice. I discovered masturbation via the foot pillow massager my mum had brought, I used to feel the sensation of the vibrations through my penis and it would give me great orgasms and eventually I'd be addicted to this but when it got broke due to overuse, I discovered my hand for the use. As said, once and twice in every 2 days average I would get off... it would eventually progress as only a year before now and the years that went before it, I would fap 4-6 times every three days (sometimes even two or one) and I would fap everytime I had a wet dream. I would still get erections from real life women but the pleasure of being touched won't be there.

Back to June-July this year, I discovered nofap and yourbrainonporn, I attempted to do the no PMO challenge for a whole month, I would relapse with porn but that would only be sometimes and no fapping. Some edging, but still no orgasms. After a month, I tested myself out... (I had broken up with my girl, different from the one I mentioned earlier btw I broke up with her three years before being into a relationship with this one, two years prior) so since no one to test my sensitivity with, I went to a massage parlor. No sex just the usual extra service. Pleasure was better and I came in less than 5 minutes but it's not the same as when before I fapped. Not the same pleasure as I had when I got orgasm from the foot massager.

(Question now is: Will my penis ever go back to that state years ago, and when?)