Psychological ED


New Fapstronaut
Good evening,
I am a new member here seeking help for an issue that has arisen this past week. I am a 20 year old healthy male. One day I was masturbating to porn for a very long time, around 2-3 hours. Mind you this isn’t the first time I’ve done this. While I was doing this, I was engaging in a conversation with someone and it wasn’t a very pleasant one. There was a message sent by this person which made me go soft and I knew then things were turning for the worst. Currently, I am not getting erections as often as I used to, I have trouble getting erections before sex, and I have to use more of a mental effort to get an erection
Welcome. Glad you're here!

I can identify with marathon porn sessions. After the thrill is gone the rest is machanical with no pleasure whatsoever.

This site has helped me greatly. Miraculously, i have not looked at porn or masturbated since i've been here. I am extrememly grateful.

Spend alot of time here, post often and ask for help. You will find alot of similarities among us. Look for identification within the community.

You are not alone here. There is a solution. Give yourself time to heal and live each day in the present.
Recovery happens over time.

Stay strong.
Thank you brother. I hope that I’ll be able to heal. I just want to have my erections back, with time though
Update: Something I’ve been trying out for my situation was guided imagery. That stuff works. It helps alter or even erase a bad memory that prevents you from getting erections. While I am definitely seeing a difference, I’m not going to watch porn