Putting a stop to addiction


Deleted Account

I urge anyone that is trying to be on this jorney to delete every folder on their phone and computer.
It can and will lead to relapse sooner or later, stay on the path and remember that those few seconds aren't gonna be worth the shame and guilt that you are gonna feel after.
You got this!
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And that's one of the hardest things that I've struggled with when trying to stop PMO! But once you do it, you know you are on the right path. I've accumulated and deleted many folders over the years. Whenever I'm feeling tempted I always feel regretful that I deleted them. But in reality, it is a good thing. I recently decided to delete TikTok too because of this. It would always pop up some kind of temptation that would end up with me going down a rabbit hole of lust. Deleting all forms of temptations is key to success!
TikTok is a trap of worst kind, too many misguided girls on there posting stuff that is bound to lead to a full blown relapse.
It is enough for you to catch a glimpse and you are going to want more.
Congratulations on deleting those folders and staying true to the path!