question about recovery


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Hello all, i am new to this community and i have some questions regarding the process of reboot. I found 2 months ago that i may be having problem with porn addiction so i decided to stop. So far i had 3 streak, my first streak was 7 days, second streak 26 days and the last streak 8 days. every time i relapsed i only relapsed once with porn and i immediately regretted it. During those days i really improved my life socially and emotionally which i believe is because of nofap. Anyway today i relapsed because i had a lot of stress these few days because of something bad happening in my life so i kind of turned to my addiction. So my question is do i still have those social and emotional benefits so to say or is all this gone because now i am feeling really down.
Everytime you relapse you will strengthen the hold addiction has on you, if you want recovery then be sure to seek as much guidance and help as you can as we are pretty useless against the addict mind alone.
I can definitely help you figure this one out...

Every time you do a streak you are becoming stronger... The secret is to NOT binge... Keep your streaks to at least 7 Days apart... Then you will start to FEEL the difference... because the more experience your body has of NOT fapping the better you can judge the damage done by doing PMO...

What people don’t realise is that streaks build up on themselves...

The problem with watching porn is that the process of actually performing the act releases TOO MUCH dopamine in the brain... Its very similar to the way Herion acts on the drug addicts brain... Its simply not natural...

The less regularly you fap, the better your results...

Once you start getting those feel good feelings... believe me, you will hate them going away when you relapse... Then you will develop PURE motivation to push your limits...