Quitting PMO

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Peopleoverscreens, Jul 30, 2018.

How to quit porn in the shortest amount of time?

Poll closed Aug 30, 2018.
  1. No porn, no masturbation nor sex at all!

  2. Regulate the frequency of masturbation, but no porn!

    0 vote(s)
  1. Peopleoverscreens

    Peopleoverscreens New Fapstronaut

    I am a porn addict, like many others who are reading this thread. Actually, I stopped watching it for 2 years, from when I was 15 until 17, and now I relapsed for almost a year. Last year, I have been watching it once or twice a week, I felt I wasted a lot of time...but the impulse is difficult to resist when I can't talk to anyone about it. I have searched up many YouTube videos and websites on quitting porn, I tried and failed so many times...
    I'm an overall B+ student who is working hard on academics to get into university with a beautiful score next year, but my porn addiction often messes up my study plan...I know a lot of us tend to wake up late because we watch it at night, but last week, I have been waking up at 6 AM and I went running every morning to get energized. When I finish my day from school and work, which is when I'm tired already, I cook for myself and do the dishes, then I do a bit of study, and then the impulse came...and I wasn't able to sleep until 1 AM...the second day, I woke up at 9 AM, and that day was a mess. Days like these often happens once a week, and I don't have others to talk to about this issue...
    Porn deteriorates my fitness level as well. I find it harder to sprint 240M*5 than I used to a few months ago, maybe because I had sore legs or because I haven't been training as much recently, but porn definitely served a portion to my deteriorating fitness level.
    As for social interaction, I don't find it extremely difficult to talk to the girls around me, but I often got shy and wanted to avoid talking to the good-looking ones, or the popular girls, which are quite attractive from my perspective...most girls I liked, or have interested in all saw me as just another guy or merely a friend, and they all have many male friends... I was rejected when I asked a good-looking girl to go to the prom with me, a few months ago...and I didn't go to my last prom. Well, I'm not ugly though...I'm just a bit off from 6 ft, I do weekly callisthenics and play rugby, I'm a debater, regional speech finalist, a guitarist. I teach swimming to kids. Maybe because I'm Chinese and the European girls are just not into Asian guys, who knows...
    On the other hand, I go to church every week, I do have good friends in the church but I don't consider myself to be involved in the religion as much. The reason I still go to the church is that I have good friends there who have a positive influence on me so that I won't be thinking about anything related to 'PMO' when I'm in their presence.
    Hopefully, I will receive some helpful comments from you under my first thread, and I hope you guys will encourage me to go on this 'Nofap' journey.