Quitting porn addiction


New Fapstronaut
Hey. I need help. I'm 22 years old dude from finland. I'm think I'm a porn addict. I can't seem to stop fapping and looking porn.
I've always been an average porn user, but lately it's been consuming too much of my time and it has taken a toll on my relationship. We rarely have sex nowadays.

Back when i was younger i probably had a porn addiction, and then i got into a relationship, so i stopped masturbating. But now it has again become an almost daily thing to me again. I can't seem to stop.

I think it started when i stopped smoking half a year ago and my mind just created another addiction to me. I have been trying to stop on my own, but i always seem to relapse after one week or so.

I feel so lonely and anxious all the time. It's like im depressed. I know that I'm not. Everything's going well in another part's of my life. It's just that when I'm alone i get so anxious so i fap to not feel so alone.

I usually have instant regrets of fapping, and that makes me more depressed, so i fap again. I can't seem to break this cycle.
I was able to make it through one week, i made up lots of things to do, like cleaning the house from top to bottom.
But then the Easter came and i was alone with nothing to do,so i relapsed, big time.

Gladly i found this forum, now i know im not alone with this. I made the decision today to delete all the porn i had and everything that had something to do with it. I want to have my life back, a life where porn does not have any part.

Im hoping that you will be able to help me with this.

Sorry for bad English, i never was a good at it. If this belongs to some other board, im sorry.
Your English absolutely fine. Better than a lot of people whose first language is English, fo sho!

You come across as really aware of your circumstances, and for me, that's one of the most important qualities needed to move forward. You're also doing all the things we need to do to stop this problem. It's not really rocket science, but it's still can be a problematic and perplexing habit/addiction to overcome.

You started doing the best and easiest things; recreating your daily routine. And with each success you create, the better you'll feel about yourself in the long run. as for the slips, lapses and relapses, they're par for the course of recovery. That's where you'll earn your stripes, so maybe try and be gentle with yourself if/when you do have a fall, as beating ourselves up rarely produces any positive results. For em, it's only chipped away at my sense of self-esteem and worth.

I like that you are aware of developing a new habit because of stopping an old one. It's very common for one bad habit to fill the void left by stopping another. It's good that you at least recognise that so when you finally get to grips with this bad habit, you wont create another. I wish I was aware of that fact when I stopped smoking after 35 years and I only started to drink more heavily.

Anyway, great share and welcome to Nofap
Thanks. I've always been a little unsure of my English skills, it's good to know that it's not that bad.

And thanks for welcoming me to the Nofap, and sharing your thoughts on my post. It really means a lot to me that i know the support is real.