Reach 30 Days Without PMO After 6 Years of Failure

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by staying_alive, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. staying_alive

    staying_alive Fapstronaut

    Finally I could make it. Actually I don't know exactly how many days I've passed without PMO. But since I'm moslem, and I'm fasting during Ramadan, from that I know I could reach 30 days without PMO.

    The withdrawal symptoms in early 1-2 weeks was almost not exist. Starting on weeks 3 that memory of P arose, I often fantasize when I'm going to sleep even until now like I couldn't control it. Now my challenge is to get rid that P fantasy I think, maybe you can give me an advice guys how to get rid this fantasy, I would appreciate it.

    I also get the benefit of nofap like the other tell, here are some of the benefit:
    1. Feel more happy.
    2. Now I get my morning wood back.
    3. More cheerful.
    4. Could laugh more on funny things, even a little funny things I could laugh happily.:emoji_grin:

    5. Breathe more relax.
    6. When speaking in public, I could control the nervous, I'm still nervous but I could control it.
    7. I feel my endurance increase.
    8. Hair loss decrease.
    9. I could talk with other people with keep on eye contact though still can't focus.

    I would like to thank you to all people here who have motivate, encourage, and give me advice, also to Muslim fapstronauts group as well, finally I could write in success story section. My journey may still be long but this little victory bring me joy to continue. :emoji_grinning:
  2. Salam Alekum, my friend. Congratz and keep it up!
  3. staying_alive

    staying_alive Fapstronaut

    Waalaikum sallam, thank you:emoji_grinning:
    You too brother, keep it up.