Reboot and low testosterone


New Fapstronaut
Hi all,

Let's start with a little bit of background,

I've been battling PMO for over a good year now. The first 6-8 months I've passed without any relapse, but also without any drastic changes.
The only big change I've gone through is that my PIED is gone :) :) :).
After this period I've entered a period of relapses for a month or so, relapsing to MO, edging and sometimes PMO, about 2 times a week (average, sometimes every day, sometimes 0 for a week).
I'm back on a 1 month + streak, mentally stronger then ever.

Before my relapse I've noticed increased energy and slightly better mood.
I've got semi-morning wood 4 5 times a week, doesn't stay long and also not that solid.

Lately I've been diagnosed with testosterone deficiency.
Where normal people have a total test between 10 and 35, I've had 6, where normal people had their free test levels between 270 and 1070, mine was 209.

Now my question is, is it normal to have lower testosterone during a reboot? especially after such a long time? I know my relapses are just a month ago, but I don't think all my progress is lost since I have semi morning woods again. I did the blood test not long into my new PMO-free streak, so not sure if my test dropped after a relapse.
Will do another test tomorrow to confirm.

I still struggle with bad moods (slightly better then a year ago) and low motivation, no drive for life in general.
I am just cruising through life since I started the reboot, without a lot of joy or happiness. Also, literately 0 libido since the start, never improved even a bit (if we are not counting urge to MO or PMO).

Anyone facing the same symptoms or problems? are there people out there who had normal test levels during a reboot?

Thanks a lot, hope you all have a great day!
I remember on Reddit, an individual posted an image of their testosterone level after doing NoFap for a while and they've stated it has increased significantly since pre-NoFap. Unfortunately I cannot find the post anymore.

Not the post I'm referring to but still gets a similar point across:

Speak to your doctor about it and try to ask for prescriptions to increase your testosterone. Not sure if there's any significant correlation between testosterone level and number of days on NoFap, but just as a control variable, don't masturbate. Masturbating could skew results.
I remember on Reddit, an individual posted an image of their testosterone level after doing NoFap for a while and they've stated it has increased significantly since pre-NoFap. Unfortunately I cannot find the post anymore.

Not the post I'm referring to but still gets a similar point across:

Speak to your doctor about it and try to ask for prescriptions to increase your testosterone. Not sure if there's any significant correlation between testosterone level and number of days on NoFap, but just as a control variable, don't masturbate. Masturbating could skew results.
Yea searched nofap and rebootnation but can´t really seem to find a lot of solid info about it.
In the threath you referred to the guy had mid range test before any nofap streak.
I´m far below avg range after a big part of the reboot. guess I'm just low T natural/other reasons. :(
anyway, thanks for your reply appreciate it!
Yeah, I have looooow T too. Been training and doing "everything right" for so long. Did all the typical testosterone supplements and fixed my vitamin D levels, lowered my prolactin, got rid of some extra fat, hit the gym and made great progress. I sleep on average 7 hours per night, and after 4 years of working on this I STILL have super low testosterone.

The only thing I havent really tried is to reach a full reboot. I have been doing nofap for years now, but I've often ended up edging. Because I am thinking I dont wanna break my streak by cumming, I end up touching my dick a lot and in the end it can be hours of edging. Im an idiot, I know. This time around I have 18 days so far with no fantasizing and no edging. And no PMO, obviously. So I will wait to see if my morning woods return and if they do and I reach 90 days and I feel good and recovered, I will test again and see if my numbers have improved.

More of us should do this, maybe finally we can get enough guys to check if this work and then we can get some "evidence" if quitting porn is actually helping!
Hi what is are the units of t free and total
I got know about this from some labs
T free normal range 50-210 pg/ml
T total normal range 2.80 -8.00 ng/ ml
Is it true ..any experts please i am confused about this range ...... throw some light