Rebooting benefits


New Fapstronaut
I was introduced to NoFap prior 3 months . I've been on long streaks ever since and guess what ? My social anxiety , puffy male bosoms and my brainfog [The major reason I didn't score high on my SATs and caused me to drop my university courses ] have cured . The desire to get up and do something , working out and enjoying sports , looking attractive , optimism , being aggressive in times of need , not acting like a clumsy coward , having the courage to defend your opinions , gaining everyone's respect for your energy and sounding like a man are all gained benefits. PMO is destroying the man within you and me ! For those silly urges , you will browse the internet for virtual desire and lose everything ! You will lose all these benefits that you and I are yearning for ! Stay strong and the next time you get an urge get up and do something or MEDITATE , take some time to think logically about your T levels and grey matter lose and share your story for more support from the great community here !

I myself have relapsed several times but comparing in to my everyday PMO routine back then...BUT no more crap in my life . The benefits of semen retention are REAL stick to your reboot dear FAPSTRONAUTS !