Recovery, connection, and the importance of an accountability partner


NoFap Defender
Hi, I have long struggled with habitual porn use. And I have been clean of porn use for 6 months, 2 weeks, 1 month, a few months and still used again. Yet I have never had long term success with preservation of my vital life energy, until recently. When I was clean from porn use for 6 months, I was living with my lover and outside of that, if I had an urge to use porn I would spill my seed solo, just without porn use.

And recently, I connected with an accountability partner via this website and my urges to use porn have nearly dropped off and if I am having an urge, it is much easier to redirect my thoughts to productive matters, like music and business. I think, well I am putting in enough time into our daily motivational emails and weekly Skype chats that it is senseless to even entertain the idea of using again.

Generally, addiction is correlated with the amount of trauma in a person's past and trauma creates a sense of disconnectedness from others and the world. One step that must be taken to triumph over addiction is the acquisition of authentic connection in the person's life.

I feel connected with the person who is my accountability peer and that replaces a perceived void with something that is real, ie genuine human connection. Much gratitude to the NoFap.

If you are still struggling with porn use and masturbation and you do not have an accountability partner, read the guidelines thread on the AP section and then make your post or comment on another. Best to you all.