Relapsed and proper intro


Hi, was here a little while ago and was going pretty good for awhile longer than I have in awhile 10 days, that urge was killing me and I failed again I’m mad at myself but this was my longest streak yet so I’m keeping at it I’m resetting the clock and giving It another go. I haven’t been using this site to its full potential so I will be keeping a journal from now on to help and posting daily to let people know what is happening I also never made a proper introduction so let me do this now. I am a 21 year old male and have been using porn for about 12 to 11 years I started when my big brother left a porn site open when I was a kid and I discovered my first videos. I can’t say when it became a problem but I do think it is bad I have never had a girlfriend and I don’t check out girls like other guys do I don’t get crushes or like girls and I know for a fact I’m straight it’s not that they are not pretty it’s just I don’t feel that strong of an attraction to them. I don’t have many hobbies and I usually spend a good chunk of my day on porn sites and doing the thing that comes along with it. I have friends though none of them know about this and it honestly just takes up so much time of mine that I feel I miss out on so much. It makes me tired throughout the day like a haze on my body and it just feels horrible afterwards. It’s really been this year and last year where I’ve tried to kick the habit mostly cause I feel it holds me back in so many ways and I’m trying to live a healthy lifestyle and i know despite what the news and internet might say that there is something wrong with this something unnatural. I chose the 90 day hard mode as I want to quit this addiction as fast as possible with as much success as possible I already failed but I’m resetting and trying again and despite my failure that 10 days was the longest streak I had going since the start of my NoFap journey that I started in 2019 so this site definitely helps. Today is my first day I’m putting this intro here to let people know about me and who I am and why I’m doing this I’ll start keeping a journal to log my 90 day journey and keep myself motivated while doing this it’s hard but in 10 days I definitely felt a huge difference already so I can only imagine after 90 days how I will feel. Thanks for reading my story and I hope that sharing my story at least helps motivate someone else to keep on with their streak or start a streak like I am. Let’s get going then and I’m sending good vibes to everyone.