Relapsed ! My progress is pulling me back


I relapsed again mates. And this is the 4th time i relapsed since I joined the community. It really worries me that my first streak was the longest steak of 7 days, and since then I haven't been able to cross that. Has my motivation to NoFap reduced with time since I'm trying to do it everyday...? just like procrastination to studies. No matter how hard I try not to do PMO, I eventually do it.
My brain keeps telling me that it's okay once a while as there's atleast 2 days gap between fapping. Beforehand I used to fap everyday. It seems it's okay to fap sometimes as it won't detoriate my health like regular PMO. This sense of progress is actually pulling me back. I'm worried Ill be back to everyday fapping.
A friend of mine says a 14day streak once done will make things easier.
Hoping to reach a 14day mark atleast.
Any help would be appreciated.
My streaks till now. 7, 2, 6, 4, 3,
I understand that your mind convinces you, but try thinking of this next time. Have a check list of tasks before you fap, after you fail to control urges naturally, you need to do each aspect of the list to masturbate.

My intention is that if you shift your focus on something different, like these multiple thoughts, you will give time for it to go completely or at the least it would surely reduce the intensity giving you a better chance to fight /lose interest.

You need to approach these tasks precisely with this intention.

You have mentioned you tried everything. Think of trying to accomplish 10-20 tasks before giving up. These tasks could be like making your bed- changing bedsheets, pillow cover or define the activity yourself(DO IT PERFECTLY). This is an example choose the number of tasks (i WOULD suggest a minimum of 10).

Doing these tasks diligently and perfectly before giving up would make you rethink the intensity of an urge, in my experience of urge surfing, when I get through an urge i feel surprised for the power it has got and confident and that it was very trivial.

Lets say your urges reminded strong even after this process (or perhaps you make it strong by fueling it with thoughts) you would then, at least, can say you TRIED EVERYTHING.
