If you feel like everything is hopeless and that you have nothing to lose save your own life, and suspect there could be a God out there who has authority to judge your actions...
What I'm getting at is, I was in a terrible situation where I felt completely hopeless as I was trying to do nofap. I remember the exact day (cuz I journaled it). Seeing I had nothing left to lose, and felt no hope, I cried out to whatever good god might be out there, to please help me.
I started intently reading the Gospel of John secretly that night, and for the first time it became real and meaningful to me. I started going to church and participating in their church community as much as I could. And within a few months, I came to real faith in the religion I'd rejected in my early adulthood.
It also helped me make major strides in NoFap, reaching 98 days for the first time before relapsing and now after many subsequent failures I'm at over a year. When you've reached the end of yourself, there's no better time to call out to him for help.