Relapsing as i see that


Hello all. Just a lil idea of mine about what relapse is, or when it happens.

I realised someething... in my opinion relapse starts in your mind. The acto of masturbating and watchong porn is just a finall demonstration of it. But what forego that?
Well the moment in your head when u start thinking about idea of PMO as a real option for you. Happened many times to me... either im about to fight it, or im about just thing about it as an option. My last relapse was like that too... in my mind i basically prepared myself to PMO. Started to think about porn like i maybe can do that today. That is real relapse in my opinion. Taking PMO like u posibly can do it today is relapse itself most of times. Of course, its possible u can just resist later, yes i also decided to quit internet right before i was about to join a porn site and masturbate. But this happens once in thousands times. If u set your mind PMO friendly, its very rare that u later quit that idea... since u r addicted as u know.

So yes... PMO as an posible option in your mind is relapse itself coz this is all psychical addiction, not physical... act of watching it and masturbate to it is just final manifestation of your mind's state...