Say Pornography about my Sexuality?


Hey Guys,

I am really into Porn. It started with normal soft Porn, than harder Porn, than feet Porn, than Cuckold and Sissy Porn. So i ask myself if these kind of porns ( the cuckold and sissy ) means i am gay? Because there are porn where i be forced of the POV to suck the Cock of a another men. I masturbate to Gay Porns and Male pictures in General but i didn‘t get hard. After that i watch a porn where i suck a Cock in the Point of View i was cumming. So my ask is, come this arousal for cock sucking from the cuckold porns and porn addiction in general or means it i am Gay or Bisexual? Say this kind of Porn about my sexuality in general?

Thx for your help
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That's some pretty nasty shit. An NSFW warning would have been nice.
It is possible that our particular fetishes have a psychological reason. Maybe you are afraid of being gay and that is why you got addicted to this kind of porn. Or you hate gay people but want to undestand them better. Or you felt betrayed at some point in your life which made you interested in cuckholding.

Your preferences could also be random. You just happened to watch a couple of videos out of curiosity and now you are hooked.

You are probably not gay. The things and people you liked before porn is your real sexual orientation. Welcome to nofap, by the way :)
I watched similar stuff for quite a while, I dont think it neccessarily means your gay. Overclocked pointed out some possible reasons for getting drawn into this kind of stuff, I think for me it was mainly finding a new taboo, and having some bad experiences with women where I have been humiliated by someone I had feelings for.
Just try to stay away from this kind of porn, I think sissy/cuckold stuff is probably one of the most destructive genres out there. Even if you are actually gay, this kind of stuff wont do you any good!
Work on yourself, dont watch porn for a while, and you will probably notice that the kind of stuff you are interested in sexually changes towards things that feel more natural to you.
I think especially selfimprovement could help you a lot (do productive activitys, develope healty habits, learn to accept yourself), since a huge part of this kind of porn is connected humiliation, shame, low selfesteem, maybe even selfhatred/selfharm.
Ok thx

I was only interested in Girls before that all started. I never looked at guys. I dont get aroused if i masturbate to gay pictures or videos. I think this cuckold porn fucked my mind really bad. I try to stay aware from porn and all of them. Thx for your help guys:)
Its very confusing by the way. If i masturbate to Naked mens or dick pictures i didn‘t get a hard on. But in the POV Cock sucking porn i get hard. If i masturbate to Naked Girls or Pussys i get hard directly. So confusing how this cuckold sissy bi forced shit fucked my brain. However. I hope i resist that shit my 90 daya adventure start morning so, good luck to me and to you guys:)
Oh man...

I failed guys. I fap the last 3 days more than 6 times. Always the same reason, to check if i am gay or not. Its very hard to resist this cuckold porns. I really dont understand that. I know i am not gay but in the cuckold porn they call me faggot and i am gay, because they force me to suck Cock, i am really doubting about my sexuality. If i masturbate to Mens or Gay Videos i didn’t get hard.
Sad to hear that, but you are not alone on this. As I mentioned I have been into this shit for a while, and I still relapse on these videos from time to time. Getting out of this will take continuous work on yourself. As I mentioned, I think the big factor that drives you to watch this stuff is a lack of self esteem, maybe you dont feel like you are "man enough", maybe you have some selfdestructive/selfhumiliating tendencies.
I think the best way to get out of this, is to really work on improving your self. Find ways to be proud of yourself. Do sports, this will help a lot with selfesteem and I think it even helps with hormonal balance, which might also be a factor.
I am trying nofap, and other selfimprovements for over a month now. I currently relapse every 2-3 days, which sucks, but I have noticed that I am less interested in all these fucked up fantasies. I dont binge anymore. So even if you dont feel like its getting better, even if you relapse from time to time, as long as you keep working on yourself, you will eventually make it. Dont let these setbacks stop you!
Its very confusing

How can i be gay, if i didn‘t get hard at gay porns and only to lesbian porns. But there come a thought in my head that tells me that i am gay. Pretty annoying shit. Well i try it again with nofap. I dont want that cuckold shit and whatever anymore.

Thx guys