Scientific Study: The % of men with PIED is getting HUGE


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A study published on 2016 compared how many men had erection problems in the 90's and in the recent years. The scientific article also separated those males by age, so people can see how and why younger men are having more and more problems on having sex. Below you can see some highlights of the study:

1999: 5% of men reported erectile dysfunction, and 5% reported low sexual desire (ages 18 to 59).

2002: only 2% of men under 40 years old had erectile-dysfunction.

2006: first high speed porn website.

2011: 14-28% of european man aged 18-40 have ED.

2012: swiss researches claimed 30% of men with 18-24 age have erection problems.

2014: canadian study discovered that 53.5% of males aged 16–21 had symptoms indicative of a sexual problem. Erectile dysfunction was the most common (26%), followed by low sexual desire (24%), and problems with orgasm (11%).

2016: low sexual satisfaction (47.9%), low desire (46.2%), and problems in erectile function (45.3%) in men with 16–21 years.

That shit is really serious. P poisoned men for so long and keep poisoning and the most screwed is that society will push you solutions for the symptoms and not for the real cause/root of the problem. So, the pharm and P industries are both getting your profit.
A study published on 2016 compared how many men had erection problems in the 90's and in the recent years. The scientific article also separated those males by age, so people can see how and why younger men are having more and more problems on having sex. Below you can see some highlights of the study:

1999: 5% of men reported erectile dysfunction, and 5% reported low sexual desire (ages 18 to 59).

2002: only 2% of men under 40 years old had erectile-dysfunction.

2006: first high speed porn website.

2011: 14-28% of european man aged 18-40 have ED.

2012: swiss researches claimed 30% of men with 18-24 age have erection problems.

2014: canadian study discovered that 53.5% of males aged 16–21 had symptoms indicative of a sexual problem. Erectile dysfunction was the most common (26%), followed by low sexual desire (24%), and problems with orgasm (11%).

2016: low sexual satisfaction (47.9%), low desire (46.2%), and problems in erectile function (45.3%) in men with 16–21 years.

None of this is normal and it’s directly related to porn addiction. The penis was never made to be played with frequently.

Maybe masturbation is normal, healthy blah blah blah. But there is no denying that porn is evil.

The best thing I ever did was to quit porn, date a real girl, and not waste my semen out of sexual frustration on pornography.

It’s very easy for men to fall into a porn/prostitution trap when the male doesn’t think he can’t offer anything of value to a female or he is frustrated with the current state of his relationship with a woman.
A study published on 2016 compared how many men had erection problems in the 90's and in the recent years. The scientific article also separated those males by age, so people can see how and why younger men are having more and more problems on having sex. Below you can see some highlights of the study:

1999: 5% of men reported erectile dysfunction, and 5% reported low sexual desire (ages 18 to 59).

2002: only 2% of men under 40 years old had erectile-dysfunction.

2006: first high speed porn website.

2011: 14-28% of european man aged 18-40 have ED.

2012: swiss researches claimed 30% of men with 18-24 age have erection problems.

2014: canadian study discovered that 53.5% of males aged 16–21 had symptoms indicative of a sexual problem. Erectile dysfunction was the most common (26%), followed by low sexual desire (24%), and problems with orgasm (11%).

2016: low sexual satisfaction (47.9%), low desire (46.2%), and problems in erectile function (45.3%) in men with 16–21 years.


Thanks for sharing. Damn...that is startling.
And to think, this is before VR and AI P. That poison has hooked and messed up sooo many more men.
Imagine a future where birthrates start to decline because of this. We may already be there...

None of this is normal and it’s directly related to porn addiction. The penis was never made to be played with frequently.

I read this a lot here, but I think it's important to share what the science says - PMO is about a **lot** more than just "frequent masturbation." The Coolidge Effect is what makes PMO addiction possible. The frequent bombardment of new stimuli and fetishes, especially with violence and aggression, is what makes PMO so much more insidious (and dangerous) than masturbation.

I recommend checking out yourbrainonporn website for more info on this. Lots of great videos, too.

On the plus side, for those of us that sober up and fix our pp's...pretty soon being the "alpha male" will just mean youre the only one in the room that can still get a boner LOL
2013-2014 was when I got hooked on porn now it's 2024 and I still struggle. I have gotten a lot less dependent on porn but I still have some deep inner wiring I need to work on. I've gone on long streaks 90 days plus a handful of times but it's hard staying consistent with societal urges constantly reminding you of sex and having a girlfriend. I think the best way to get past this is just don't focus on sex or having a girl friend at first focus on you
2013-2014 was when I got hooked on porn now it's 2024 and I still struggle. I have gotten a lot less dependent on porn but I still have some deep inner wiring I need to work on. I've gone on long streaks 90 days plus a handful of times but it's hard staying consistent with societal urges constantly reminding you of sex and having a girlfriend. I think the best way to get past this is just don't focus on sex or having a girl friend at first focus on you
Part of the problem is a lack of education about pornography. I have only seen it being discussed online and in churches/religious schools. Public schools never discuss it and school administrators will only say things like “don’t watch it or you will be suspended/get a detention.”

I got hooked on porn since I was in middle school because of my male friends who had smartphones. I have learned from this addiction that being busy only gets you occupied for a time. I have to fight this alone, as a self discipline thing. Eventually, the naughty thoughts come back when you wake up or about to go to bed.