New Fapstronaut
I started watching porn and mustarbating at the age of 17
Now I'm 22yrs old
I almost spent a years of watching PMO
1- I've read books, how to get ride
2- i setted strikes but i relepsed
3- i watched a hundred videos how to get ride porn but non of these videos helped me
4- i hated my self for beineg a beta male
5- i almost did everthing to get ride PMO
6- i cried too many times to get ride of porn addict
7- even i got sick 2 times when i musterbated excessfuly i destroyed my body defense due to excessive mustarbation
So what halped is a youtube video
That taught me the great mindset to overcome PMO
-1 The mindset is your brain is play will play games
It will say to you "hey lets check Rihanna new photos, then you go to google you watch some pics and you see your self in pornhub
Once you understand the brain games how it works
You can deal whit it
Name something silly to your brain like example i named my brain :- cheeto
Whenever my brain want me to watch porn i say heey stop little cheeto
I organate the word cheeto from *cheater*
2- the other trick your brain will trick you is " your brain will say to you lets check if your dick is still working ? Then you try to test it then bomb you relepse
Your dick is working dude don't worry about it
The trick is never touch your dick more than 3 seconds
The another trick is to have notebook Or the notes app on your phone and write the process
Write down your strike goal
I recommend you to write 1 month strike, don't just write your strike try to feel the ambition try to swear to yourself and say we can do it
Write down the disadvantages of porn and benefits you will reveive and your life purposes in to your note app
During the process you can do these things
1- cold shower
2- meditation
3- drink more water
4- be busy
5- hangout whit girls
6- sleep well
7- wake up early
8- read books
9- try to go to gym
The first 15 is hard always
Try to be disciplined,
"You'll not be motivated always try to be disciplined"
Whenever you feel the urge try to put down your brain desires by saying heyyy little cheeto i catch you this time
I'm day 30 i never been this
In 30 days before
This trick mindset helped me
The benefits I received is countless guys
Bye have faith
Now I'm 22yrs old
I almost spent a years of watching PMO
1- I've read books, how to get ride
2- i setted strikes but i relepsed
3- i watched a hundred videos how to get ride porn but non of these videos helped me
4- i hated my self for beineg a beta male
5- i almost did everthing to get ride PMO
6- i cried too many times to get ride of porn addict
7- even i got sick 2 times when i musterbated excessfuly i destroyed my body defense due to excessive mustarbation
So what halped is a youtube video
That taught me the great mindset to overcome PMO
-1 The mindset is your brain is play will play games
It will say to you "hey lets check Rihanna new photos, then you go to google you watch some pics and you see your self in pornhub
Once you understand the brain games how it works
You can deal whit it
Name something silly to your brain like example i named my brain :- cheeto
Whenever my brain want me to watch porn i say heey stop little cheeto
I organate the word cheeto from *cheater*
2- the other trick your brain will trick you is " your brain will say to you lets check if your dick is still working ? Then you try to test it then bomb you relepse
Your dick is working dude don't worry about it
The trick is never touch your dick more than 3 seconds
The another trick is to have notebook Or the notes app on your phone and write the process
Write down your strike goal
I recommend you to write 1 month strike, don't just write your strike try to feel the ambition try to swear to yourself and say we can do it
Write down the disadvantages of porn and benefits you will reveive and your life purposes in to your note app
During the process you can do these things
1- cold shower
2- meditation
3- drink more water
4- be busy
5- hangout whit girls
6- sleep well
7- wake up early
8- read books
9- try to go to gym
The first 15 is hard always
Try to be disciplined,
"You'll not be motivated always try to be disciplined"
Whenever you feel the urge try to put down your brain desires by saying heyyy little cheeto i catch you this time
I'm day 30 i never been this
In 30 days before
This trick mindset helped me
The benefits I received is countless guys
Bye have faith