Self discovery and success


I imagine to be truly successful in this growth one must develop some seriously advanced self-knowledge and understanding. What have been the most important mysteries you’ve unconvered about yourselves through this process, and which have helped to propel you forward the most?
I realised pmo tired me out. I got sick of it. I hit some low points and knew pmo was not helping but I was powerless to change.

Then I found inner strength. I found this site as a community of support. I could not do this alone. You people all help me.

I admitted to myself I had a problem. I admitted to myself I wanted to change.

I dared myself to find out if I could change. I wanted to be part of something successful that I saw others had achieved.

Never fight a man with no teeth - he has nothing to lose. I was that man with no teeth so I had nothing to lose by fighting my problem with pmo.
Seriously advanced self-discovery is the cultivation of an authentic original individuality not based on what society/the System has told you. this requires a lot of solitude, studying the greats, unlearning disinformation/Brainwashing and learning truth/Hidden Knowledge, listening to your heart intuition and knowing your purpose and internalizing your life mission