Self-Improvement Challenge: Eliminate Negativity (Sexual Thoughts) & Entertainment


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  • Eliminate all sexual thoughts, erotic dreams and depraved fantasies from your brain, and free your mind of all such negativity to make space for positivity and self-improvement.
  • Avoid all such distracting thoughts and completely focus on whatever you're doing.
  • Stop all forms of entertainment (YouTube, Spotify) and stay completely focused towards your goals.
  • Stop all internet activity (News, Reddit, Googling random stuff) other than NoFap and Test Series.
  • Resist any temptations to break this challenge, destroy any such thoughts stay determined to complete your goals.
Last edited by a moderator:
22 Jan, 2021 9:30 IST

0th day today, no more browsing any subreddits, no more music, no more YouTube and don't waste time and energy on anything other than studying.
23 Jan, 2021 6:40 IST
0th day today, yesterday second half was waste of time.
25th Jan, 2021 7:30 IST
0th day today, browsed reddit and YouTube the whole day yesterday which I have to stop doing completely.