Semen Retention = Steroids

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by AChosenPeople, Oct 27, 2017.

  1. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    Dear Fapstronauts,

    I have accomplished couple days of NoFap, like 57 58. I have experienced a supreme increase in energy, and testosterone. I can look back 60 days ago, and I can't recognize myself. I became hulk.

    I went from that loser fapper weirdo to the alpha dude 'round the country. I am literally a n o t h e r p e r s o n.
    I have gained solid muscle mass and lost kilos of fat. I am jogging everyday to school instead of walking. I train almost everyday. I've grown more disciplined than ever. People don't recognize me anymore on the street, cus I ain't a loser no more. Today I was highly aggressive. I worked out legs, squads & deadlifts, & biceps. I didn't work out on aggresive music in a while, so today I decided to do it.
    I've beat the sh*t out of the workout. I had a moment when I started raging like crazy. I felt like smashing everything near me. Semen retention boosted my testosterone AS FUCK.

    For ya'yall struggling out there, I beg you: please unleash the beast. Stop ejaculating for good & you gonna become a MONSTER. You gonna be the manliest in your school/high school/college. When a bully gonna come to ya, you gonna intimidate and beat the sh*t out of him. You gonna become a man. You gonna work out eat healthy start a business get good grades whatever shit you want you gonna get.

    I radiate masculinity and so do all people who practice Semen Retention. Chicks feel that shit. Believe me, I experienced it.

    In conclusion my opinion is that semen retention is comparable to taking steroids, because both ENORMOUSLY increase your testosterone. But from semen retention you actually live longer, unlike with steroids where you're likely to die with 30-35.

    Nofap will change your life for good.

    Never give up.

    Get that streak going & then it's never going to end.

    Your life will become a masterpiece.

  2. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    I started sleeping on my back to stop wet dreams. It works. At the start it was a bit challenging, but I successfully created solid sleeping habits. 8:30 PM - 6:00 AM EVERYDAY, Sleeping on Back.
    zatao and FeelingFine like this.
  3. steelboy90

    steelboy90 Fapstronaut

    Wow. You are an inspiration to me! I have been going to the gym for a while, with good results. Over about 6 months I have gone from 110kg to 93kg. I haven’t gained much muscle mass, mainly just lost fat. I hope to now gain muscle mass while on nofap, to see the benefits of increased testosterone and benefits of not ejaculating.
    AChosenPeople likes this.
  4. Hitto

    Hitto Fapstronaut

    I've noticed that my wet dreams have been decreasing and letting out less semen or not all even when I feel I am
    AChosenPeople likes this.
  5. tiredofbeingtired

    tiredofbeingtired Fapstronaut

    I have to give a presentation in school in a month that I'm really afraid to do. PMO has given me so much anxiety. Today I made a promise to myself that I will not relapse again and that I will have a month under my belt by the time I have to do it. I've experienced a reduction in my anxiety from streaks before but I've never made it to 30 days. This post gave me a lot of motivation.

    Edit: Also, having a full bladder often makes you get an erection and can lead to wet dreams fyi. So if you wake up in the middle of the night and feel like you could either go to the bathroom or just go back to sleep go to the bathroom.
    Dagger323 and AChosenPeople like this.
  6. Crâ

    Crâ Fapstronaut

    Sorry to tell you that... testosterone doesn't increase if you stop faping at least not in a long term it reaches a peak in thz first week and go back to normal ... your faith and will's power are the cause of all these changes... You're a warrior... That's really inspiring hope I'll be able to do the same.
  7. Crâ

    Crâ Fapstronaut

    Exactly, there are even studies that shows that testosterone levels slightly decrease in a 3 months Nofap. The only thing that can change is brain dopamine and serotonin receptors n vesicles etc... It's all in the brain, absolutely not testosterone it will not either decrease or increase in a significant way.
  8. According to YBOP there is a considerable decrease in androgen receptors and increase in estrogen receptors in the brain after frequent masturbation, especially in areas related to sex. So going no-orgasm won't masculinize you physically but will mentally.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 28, 2017
  9. SuperFan

    SuperFan Fapstronaut

    I agree ... 'superpowers' are due to the brain coming back online. And while I dismiss the claims of boosted testosterone, I'm still stoked as hell to hear about the benefits the OP is experiencing. May we all strive for that.
  10. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    All this will come on the top of your nofap journey. The only thing you should be focusing on is hitting like 40 days and the rest is ez AF. I am glad to inspire & motivate others to continue/start their journey.

    One thing I can guarantee you: If you start NoFap and get a good streak, you'll become the best version of yourself.
  11. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    As I posted on anther forum: You're 22 I'm 18 I have had no clue about how to hold a presentation. My native language is Romanian I live in Germany since 2013, I've spoken 99% accurate shown up confident there and spoke 22 minutes, & surprised the shit out of my colleagues that previously thought I'm a shy loser, which I ain't no more. I was on day 40. Dude, believe me, just do this Nofap, keep your streak & you'll become a superhuman. No worries about the presentation, the first 2-3 minutes are relatively harder the rest is kindergarten.

    Prepare yourself well, hold the presentation once and record yourself & you'll be perfect.

    Good luck brother.
    tiredofbeingtired likes this.
  12. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    I don't know man, but I feel like my testosterone has tripled. I feel I'm a man & ain't a loser no more. I highly doubt that not ejaculating won't increase your T levels, I hope you experience it for yourself. I think it's not only the testosterone that increased, it's also all the fears that are not more existent.
  13. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    Well they may not have changed only because of nofap, maybe also because of prolongued fasting/ intermittent fasting which studies have shown to increase HGH (Human Growth Hormone) by 1500-2000% while fasting. Also, this allowed me to get rod of body fat like shit. A while ago I started lean bulking, so no more fasting & gained muscle mass & gained little to no fat, thanks to my good genetics, clean eating & jogging everyday I go to school.
    I should add I also look younger than I actually am, I was like an effeminated male, no courage no beard not that low of a voice, the testosterone boost may also be due to my growing into a man, getting beard, lastly getting an adult etc. My voice is low AF. In sports I'm the most aggresive person. I shout & scream when we play stuff like basketball or voleyball & let others acknowledge my victory.
  14. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

  15. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

  16. steelboy90

    steelboy90 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the advice, it really helps. I have only recently relapsed but I’m now focused on getting far.
  17. AChosenPeople

    AChosenPeople Fapstronaut

    You're welcome.
    FeelingFine and Low like this.
  19. There are no science or studies to prove that PMO can lower testosterone, so NoFap should be increasing testosterone because of the absence of PMO, but maybe with a little logic, we can create theories that move us in the right direction.
    Prolactin is released upon orgasm and prolactin inhibits both dopamine and testosterone. Dopamine and testosterone both have a bidirectional relationship, if one goes down the other goes down and vice versa. So, if you are an addict and habitually PMO'ing without giving the body time to recover then your body is filled with prolactin which will inhibit testosterone which will inhibit dopamine, which will end up inhibiting each other which will cause who knows what because of the inhibition of testosterone which regulates a lot of things in the male body. This would probably throw the body out of whack with stress, then the vicious cycle continues. This is far as my research has brought me and the last part is a bit of conjecture, very simple probably, but perhaps there something about this and that we are abusing the male body by O'ing so often and frequently.
    Also, I've tested my free testosterone which has came back very low for my age, but I believe I am a severe case of this addiction, so there's that.
  20. Are you saying since its transient, it should be back to balance now since I've been rebooting, I've been only able to get 1-2 week streaks mainly

    Also, at the height of my addiction I did it 7-8 times a day for a couple of years, so my prolactin level may be different to what you had in mind perhaps? How are your test levels? Are they low? Mines low for my age so something is up, could be stress because during height of addiction it messed with my head and body in many ways, and we all know stress can be dangerous