Severe Premature Ejaculation - I Cum Under 2 Seconds ! - NEED HELP

Discussion in 'Compulsive Sexual Behavior' started by alexandrebois, Apr 20, 2021.

  1. alexandrebois

    alexandrebois Fapstronaut

    Hey guys!

    Recently i've had Sex with a Girl, after a long Streak (1 month of NO PMO)
    We started foreplaying, kissing, oral sex, and extreme Foreplay.
    After she got wet, and asked me to Penetrate her, i Did it.
    When i Penetrated her and Put my dick inside her, I felt Electricity and i tried to STOP but it was so Intense, (Since she was so Horny and i was so Horny too because of the Foreplay)
    At the moment i Penetrated her, after just 1-Time "Inside and Outside" i did Cum...
    So i literally orgasmed in under 1 Second NO FAKE.
    At the moment i Insert my D*** in her P*** i Cum and i can't control it.

    I can maybe hold it for some 2 or 3 more Seconds. but i can't go up that time.

    Is this Normal? I literally need to use "Fingering/OralSex/Foreplay" to make my Girl to Cum.
    My Girl is not satisfied with Foreplaying and Always WANTS to Orgasm with Penetration, and told me that Foreplaying is not giving her a Good orgasm as Real penetration.

    I can't make her Cum with my dick because it's not controllable. for me.

    Thing to know is that: I Can't control my Orgasm only after a long streak, if i Do sex daily, i can control it but the experience is less enjoyable and less great and there is no "Electricity" feeling when having Sex that i Enjoy the most.

    What i want is to be Able to control my Orgasm EVEN after a long Streak (+30 days at least) and be able to not Cum and control it and give my Partner a Good Session of Pleasure.

    I tried Breathing Technique, STOP&GO, but nothing works. after a long streak the Horniness is at its Edge and you can't hold it.

    So my questions are:
    1) Is it normal to Cum after just 2 seconds after a Long Streak ? or is it Premature Ejaculation ?
    2) How i'm i Supposed to please my Girl if i cum in the first Seconds
    3) I'm i Suffering from Severe PE??
    4) How i'm i supposed to Please my Girl? I'm afraid she would Cheat on me because i can't give her the Pleasure and Experience she really wants...

    The thing is that the Sex is only good only when you Abstain from it for at least 1 Month, but after this long Streak, it becomes Incontrollable not to cum when you Penetrate your Girl.

    So, How i'm i Supposed to Satisfy my Girl?

    Is Porn the reason why i GOT Premature Ejaculation ?? or is it something else
    +TenPercent likes this.
  2. My record is penetration and cum, no "in and out" . . . would that count as one pump?

    I'm sure you'll get other tips, but my experience with PE is that the number one cause of PE (for me) is worrying about it. If I think, "please don't cum, please don't cum", next think I know, I'm cumming. :oops:
    Or, if I think, "Oh man, if I don't give it to her good and give her an orgasm, she's going to cheat on me with another man", I will cum immediately! :eek:

    I think you just posted about this same thing recently. And you wrote so much here. You're freaking out about this and that's just going to make you PE even more.

    Try not to focus on it. Don't focus on your dick at all. Focus on her. And not just while you are having sex. Buy her flowers. Listen to her. Do nice things for her. When it's time for foreplay, give her oral until she cums. And then, relax. You've been good to her. You've given her an orgasm. You're good. :)
  3. Slimjimjones

    Slimjimjones Fapstronaut

    Was this one pump chump scenario a one time thing or is it consistent? I'd imagine she feels at least a little flattered at the very least :)
    +TenPercent likes this.
  4. Kegels and pelvic floor exercises might help. Wear a condom. Also this is a weird thing but masturbating few hours before sex helps to stay in control while having sex.
  5. Your dick should be wet , not dry .
    You have to be in control .
    You have to know she is lucky to be with you , you put her on peadestal and you are thirsty . You don't want to fuck but cum .

    And yes it can be normal after a long streak . Very possible . Why don't continue after a small break ? You know you can go multiple times , right ?

    @alexandrebois and with all my respect , if you want to respect yourself as a man , get that hentai avatar out of here . Fu .
  6. @alexandrebois fucking is a skill . Skills are sharp when one is confident .

    Do yourself a favour , if you think that girl will cheat , dump her . But first do things right .

    C'mon .
    Romeo and me likes this.
  7. alexandrebois

    alexandrebois Fapstronaut

    Yeah i know i can go multiple times, i can go for 3 times

    But only the first time is when i Feel the Electricity and the Nice Feeling
    After that it becomes Normal and not as Interesting as the first one

    What i want is to be able to last on the first Orgasm, so i can feel real pleasure with my partner
    +TenPercent likes this.
  8. Nutrition helps with orgasms .

    To be able to hold long time , its kind of edging , some breathing . But most is mentallity . If you think she sweet or she has the power in the relationship you are doomed .

    You need power . In case she is willing to so whatever , that's the point of your masculinity . The power you possess over her .

    There is no need to be perfect . You are not a robot .
  9. young Dale Dan Tony

    young Dale Dan Tony Fapstronaut

    Do you have any kind of ED (erectile disfunction) ?
    Because I had exactly the same, It was during my first reboot, around 70 days pmo free and I met a girl on holiday, it was 3 pumps and poof.. ejaculated. Ashamed AF.
    >I was not ready for sex in this stage of reboot, still had ED and my dick was dead in daily life. It was hard enough to have sex but when I ejaculated it it didn't even felt pleasant.

    After this experience, fast forward 300 days, I once again met a girl on holiday and we started having sex, but this time I had delayed ejaculation, I literally penetrated 1 hour straight before I ejaculated. Damn it was incredible and weird at the same time.
    >At this stage my brain and dick was in a better place, I think because my brain still liked P more than than sex in real life, thats why I had delayed ejac.

    So in my opinion, P messes up the mind so much that it can directly give you premature of delayed ejac.
    becomingreat likes this.
  10. pe help

    pe help Fapstronaut


    Next time while entering try this breathing/tension sequence:

    1. I exhale and hold that exhale while I position my hips in posterior pelvic tilt (PPT).

    2. When I am in PPT I force myself to exhale a bit more using my abs to push out any air left… after that I immediately feel the need to inhale (even more if I´m fucking) so I inhale BUT only into my chest, keeping my lower belly tucked in (leave it in the position it was after forcing the exhale with your abs).

    3. Hold that chest inhale for a couple of seconds and tense the muscles in your lower back, then again force the exhale using your abs. Your lower stomach should now be tucked in even more (since it already was tucked in before).

    4. Immediately inhale again into your chest and hold it again, then repeat step 3. Do this 3 or 4 times. Each time your lower belly should be more tucked in and your lower back muscles should tense up more after each inhale. By the way once you tense the lower back muscles you don´t let them loosen up again until this cycle is over.

    5. After 3 or 4 times of this release everything, breathe normally and continue with your thing.

    During this whole process you want to try and maintain your body in a PPT position as good as you can, so use your back to pound but keep your hips locked.

    Practice it outside the bedroom so you get it right and let me know how it went.
  11. 10second

    10second Fapstronaut

    I'm 21 I was very addicted to porn and fap now i ve severe premature ejac last in few seconds.
    I stopped faping for 3 month but when i tried this week i cum in 20 sec .
    What do you think sould i do
    Stop more masturbation for 1 yrs or that wont help
    +TenPercent likes this.
  12. Saythatagain

    Saythatagain Fapstronaut

    I’m older than you guys and you will find it will come and go. Clearly if you’re not getting off and it’s been awhile expect a quick release. I have cum before I got balls deep before and using semen retention exercises I was able to go an hour of slow consistent penetration. Sex should be fun, enjoyable for both so laugh, moan and say what you are enjoying. Try something different the next time.
    Conehead likes this.
  13. I am also suffering from PE and I pump up only 4-5 time while faping and reach org*sm.I think this can only be curable if we give rest to our brain and pen*s.It means not to do s*x or fap for long time.
    After some period of time(maybe more than one year), our brain will rewire and it will change the conditioning of early a newly married guy who do s*x for the first time and reach a good time before ejaculation.
    And you not to do s*x daily bcoz it will burry your dopamine receptors and effect your pathways so that brain's craving for pleasure will increase and it will want to get that pleasure as early as possible which results in PE.
    And be relax and chill while intercource so that your focus on ejaculation will reduce and you may reach good time before org*sm.
    Toni7 likes this.
  14. greenishmoon

    greenishmoon Fapstronaut

    I have it as severe as you or the guys here but some times it just dissapeared. It's due to anxiety and to be too aware of it. If you are just thinking about something else it's way better. Counterintuitive, tho.
    +TenPercent likes this.