I’m 33 and Without knowing it, I rebooted myself about 10 years ago after realizing watching too much porn was causing trouble in the bedroom. I was afraid to tell my wife that it was my porn addiction causing my lack of performance. She started accusing me of cheating or not finding her attractive anymore, but i knew it was my constant porn viewing and fap sessions that was causing the problem. So, I stopped watching porn and within a few weeks I was back to my normal performance. I don’t remember exactly how long I stayed away from porn after that. Fast forward to present; yesterday I found myself sitting in the waiting room of a doctors office to go speak to him about my recent ED problems. It absolutely had not come to my mind that my porn habit was back and worse than before and causing me problems as it had ten years ago. I went in to see the doc and he did several tests and spoke to me about my relationship with my wife and if I had any other sexual partners. Of course I said no. He then wrote me a prescription for ED pills and told me he would call me when the test results come back. I left the dr’s office with my script, not really wanting to get it filled but desperately wanting to have a successful love making session with my wife. Still not realizing it was my addiction causing the problems. So I went to the pharmacy and walked up to the counter where three beautiful young blonde pharmacists were behind the counter and I swallowed my pride and handed her the script, almost trembling with embarrassment. The whole time thinking, “I’m 33 years old, I shouldn’t need to take ED pills to make love to my wife, what’s wrong with me?” I work offshore on an oil rig and am gone for three weeks at a time, then home for three weeks. After three weeks at work with very little porn(porn is blocked at work so it’s only a few vids that I downloaded that I could watch) I came home and lost my erection after about one minute of sex and was unable to get another one to finish. The whole time I was trying to get it back I was running through different porn scenarios in my mind. I’m about to go back to work in a few days and out of about 10 attempts of having sex, four were successful. So upon doing some research of my own today, I came across a page that said porn addiction can cause ED. As soon as I read it, the memories of what had happened to me ten years ago came back to me. So now I am fairly confident that my test results will come back with no abnormalities. But I also have to deal with the fact that I have a problem that needs fixing (again). I know I can abstain from watching porn fairly easily but i don’t think I can go any more than my three weeks at work without having sex with my wife. I think I can do my three weeks at work without fapping. I plan on telling her about my addiction when she gets home from work and I think she will take it well. She has been suggesting that it might be that cause of my problems anyway. I know when I rebooted before, we still had sex and it seemed to work fine. What do you guys think? Any comments or questions on anything I stated are welcomed.