Hello, I got out of a long term relationship about a year ago and started using reddit to ask for nudes and became addicted. It was just a copy and past question, I would spam for hours. Most of the times I wouldnt get answers or no but sometimes I would get someone to sext with. I never sent unsolicited pics or pics with my face. I wasted so much time on this stupid behavior. I eventually got banned from reddit for spamming and then would just make a new account and continue to spam, eventually I got permanently banned which turned out to be a good thing. The total time of my time on reddit was about 4-5 months. After reddit I moved on to dating apps, I was only on them for about 2 months but ended up being “sextorted” I didnt pay but in that moment it felt so real and I felt my soul break. Its been about a month and a half since that incident and immediately once that happened I deleted all of my dating app profiles and social media. Its been about 4 months since I asked for nudes on reddit. I still have anxiety about sexting and my behavior. In all of this i realized i have an addiciton to pornography and have been clean of PMO for 17 days. Ive made a decision to cut that out of my life for good, this is my first time with NoFap and my conviction is very strong. I was just wondering if anyone had similar experiences with reddit and dating apps. Im currently experiencing withdrawal and my emotions are all over the place. I used pmo for close to 10 years. Also wondering how common it is to sext on reddit because on the anonymity