Sexting during a reboot??


I have a girlfriend right now. We started seeing each other when I was about a week into my reboot, and she's cool with not having sex and all. We haven't seen each other in a couple weeks, so we've been texting a lot, which has led to some NSFW conversations. Wondering if people think it's bad or good for my recovery. If you've got personal experience with this then that'd be great. The biggest issue I would guess is relapsing with M or P, but I haven't done that and don't think I will so Imma exclude it from reasons to stop sexting.
Sexting is like building a fire putting lighter fluid on it and then striking a match but not put it on the fire
It can put you on a path that can lead to other things
Do you guys have experience with sexting and its benefits/drawbacks?

And I'm just not gonna use P or M. I get how it's a slippery slope, but until I slip I'm wondering if it's bad at all.