Try this: If you dont fap for a few days wont you be a lot more motivated to make something happen? Fapping before a date will make you anxious, lethargic, uninterested. It is a reason we are a bunch of men gathered on this site. We believe that fapping and porn in particular is putting cogs in the wheels of our dating life.Before meeting women for a date, is it perhaps a good idea to fap, so one can better connect with her, or just go while being really horny?
Continue to stay up. Eventually you’ll get sleepy. Guarantee it.And what if I'm so horny to the point that I can't sleep at 4 am?
Mhm... I know that feeling. I fought through it trying to sleep. Probably, getting up, starting to read, exercise or take a cold shower would be nicer options.And what if I'm so horny to the point that I can't sleep at 4 am?
We're about more than 4am today. We're about the long term. We don't look for immediate gratification right now, for the moment; we're looking to fix our lives. We can't teach our bodies to rely on MO, even to sleep. We make the sacrifice today, this morning, and be tired the whole rest of the day, rather than make ourselves reliant on a destructive personal practice. That's how this works.And what if I'm so horny to the point that I can't sleep at 4 am?