Should i start NoFap with breaks?

PaFoN tester

New Fapstronaut
yo people,

last month i saw porn every 2 days, is it possible to instantly quit it ? or should i watch every week porn and then every 2 weeks and so on? i dont think you can get rid of an addiction that quick.

and I have tested NoFap before, after 7 days i just thougt about sex all day, was a little bit depressed, and my desire to porn was extremely high. question to the experienced fapstronauts : will you get rid of this huge desire and depression after a few weeks ? or will it always be there? woudnt it be hard to live with all that pressure and desire to porn and sex for ever?

hope to get answers,

should i watch every week porn and then every 2 weeks and so on?
Cold Turkey is the most effective method. I agree you cannot get rid of an addiction that quick. It will take you many, many months. But the sooner you can start complete abstinence the better. This would be true of an alcoholic. It would be crazy to say I will drink every week and then every 2 weeks and so on. :rolleyes: The desire to masturbate to other people having sex, and being depressed because of it, will not always be there. But the sooner you start this process the better Mister Tester.
will you get rid of this huge desire and depression after a few weeks

Urges will come and go. Let them go. Depression will turn into true happiness. Maybe not after a few weeks but at the right time. The NO PMO journey is a very individual experience. Try it! Will not be easy but worth the effort.