Sissy/Crossdressing Addiction

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by Recovering Addict Taylor., Oct 22, 2020.

  1. Hey im Taylor, im 24 and I've had a sissy addiction of dressing up and post pictures online since I was 15... My pictures have spread all over the internet and this has made it very difficult not creating new content and looking back at older pictures to see what people are doing with them. Im struggling.... The Lord saved me about two years ago and He greatly helped me with this. I know its sinful and against God's will to do these things.. I need help, I need friends possibly to email and accountability partners. I made this account because I woke up this morning and the urge was killing me but i know that giving in will be far worse than the agony of resisting the temptation. Please someone talk to me...
    engelman likes this.
  2. MisterDoe

    MisterDoe Fapstronaut

    Hello Taylor. Your situation is pretty unique. First I would like to congratulate you first on going this far without giving in to your urges. It's good that you trying to find help. Here are a few pieces of advice that works for me.
    1. Try not to be too hard on yourself (because it's often counterproductive).
    2. When times are tough remember these words: “Pain is temporary. It may last for a minute, or an hour or a day, or even a year. But eventually, it will subside. And something else takes its place. If I quit, however, it will last forever.” by Eric Thomas.

    If you interested Yesterday I started my nofap journey. Your welcome to drop a note on my journal anytime.
    AKUNT_5891 and engelman like this.
  3. Thank you so much MisterDoe.. Im having a hard time today honestly.. I appreciate your comment!
    engelman and MisterDoe like this.
  4. AKUNT_5891

    AKUNT_5891 Fapstronaut

    Hi Taylor how is your streak going? Is it the crossdressing that is a problem for you or postingit on the web?
  5. Posting on the web....:(
  6. AKUNT_5891

    AKUNT_5891 Fapstronaut

    Have you spoke to a therapist?
  7. lonely_1

    lonely_1 Fapstronaut

    Do you do post it online for the validation of others, or are your post intrinsically motivated?

    If you post for the validation of others, do you think it could be caused by a lack of normal socialization and validation?

    stay strong brudah
  8. Ekhangel

    Ekhangel Fapstronaut

    Welcome to the light side of the force, Taylor. I wish you perseverence and satisfaction in your struggle. Do get on some of the accountability groups around here, they're great help.