Slipping after 153 days


New Fapstronaut
I'm new to this forum and I haven't messed with account details like setting up a counter, but I am at 153 days. For the past couple weeks though, I have been hanging by a thread. Every single day I am extremely tempted. It feels like only a matter of time before I fold and I have some extremely close calls. I knew there would be challenges in this journey and tests. I am a college student and even though we are online, I go to campus (in part to avoid the temptation of just being at my apartment with easy access to porn) and study. Of course, on campus there is temptation everywhere. I feel like I'm getting weaker every day rather than stronger. It feels like I need a second wind or something.

Is there any advice someone who has reached this point could have for me? I try to remind myself why I can't go back to the life I used to live and all the reasons it would destroy me to go back. The problem is, as many of you know, that little voice in your head starts to takeover and you lose sight of reality.
Try focusing your effort to getting those females that tempt you so you can look at them and say, "That's my prize". I don't know if you are doing monk mode but that is my whole reason for doing NoFap, it's to get a gf. Other than that, why not focus on fitness? You will spend more time thinking about healthy foods and exercises than getting online stimulation
Stay strong for sure. Try to remind yourself why you started your journey as well as remember how it felt to fail over and over before you got to the place you are at now. I recently started doing the things I truly love doing again, and even though I am nowhere near 153 days it helps to fill me with the confidence to completely stop the urges in their tracks.
I'm new to this forum and I haven't messed with account details like setting up a counter, but I am at 153 days. For the past couple of weeks though, I have been hanging by a thread. Every single day I am extremely tempted. It feels like only a matter of time before I fold and I have some extremely close calls. I knew there would be challenges in this journey and tests. I am a college student and even though we are online, I go to campus (in part to avoid the temptation of just being at my apartment with easy access to porn) and study. Of course, on campus, there is temptation everywhere. I feel like I'm getting weaker every day rather than stronger. It feels like I need a second wind or something.

Is there any advice someone who has reached this point could have for me? I try to remind myself why I can't go back to the life I used to live and all the reasons it would destroy me to go back. The problem is, as many of you know, that little voice in your head starts to takeover and you lose sight of reality.

First of all, good luck going on 153 days. I'm still on day 18. Let me understand. On-campus, there are a lot of attractive women and you want to fap about it? I agree with others and would tell you to look at one of those women, come up with a script about how you want to introduce yourself to her, and then go do it. Masturbating to porn doesn't compare to having sex with a real live woman. So here's my advice: eliminate porn addiction then start talking to women. To get rid of porn addiction, what I suggest is to eliminate all porn and access to porn from your laptop AND your phone. Delete porn bookmarks, delete all porn and if you have thumb drives or a DVD drive, get rid of porn on all of them too. I have porn blockers on my computer and my phone. I changed my search engine from Google to Swisscows. I know, that's a funny name for a search engine and I don't know why they called it that. You can find swisscows at Before doing ANY of this, you have to determine if going nofap is something you want to do, and if you do, why. That is important for motivation. Then you are also going to have to determine how far you want to go and how you are going to tell if you are rebooted. If you have any questions, either post them here or send me a private message. You can do this, buddy!!! I have great faith in you!
I don't have any porn on my computer or any bookmarked sites or anything. Otherwise there is no way I would've made it this far lol. I appreciate your advice and support though!
Stay strong for sure. Try to remind yourself why you started your journey as well as remember how it felt to fail over and over before you got to the place you are at now. I recently started doing the things I truly love doing again, and even though I am nowhere near 153 days it helps to fill me with the confidence to completely stop the urges in their tracks.

Yeah I try to remember how much pain I was in from failing over and over. Yelling at myself in the mirror and experiencing major anxiety after falling. Thank you for your comment and support!
Try focusing your effort to getting those females that tempt you so you can look at them and say, "That's my prize". I don't know if you are doing monk mode but that is my whole reason for doing NoFap, it's to get a gf. Other than that, why not focus on fitness? You will spend more time thinking about healthy foods and exercises than getting online stimulation

That is one of my motivations, I'm not specifically going for a particular mode but just trying to leave porn altogether in the past. Theres a lot of motivations there. I was focusing on fitness before I got a stress fracture which sidelined me for a while and then my workload from school in combination with that injury has caused me to not get back to that. I hope to once the semester ends though. Thanks for the comment and your support!
I don't have any porn on my computer or any bookmarked sites or anything. Otherwise, there is no way I would've made it this far lol. I appreciate your advice and support though!

Wherever you access porn, add porn blockers. On my computer's browser, I have Adult Porn Blocker. I also changed my search engine to Swisscows. That search engine, no matter what you search for, will not find any porn sites. On my phone, I have an app called Adult Block from the Google Play Store. I like that I've taken extra steps so if I can't control myself (so far I've done a good job at that) I can't get to porn sites. Honestly, the longer I don't look, the less interested I'm getting in porn. I have not masturbated or looked at porn for 19 days already. I will not masturbate for the rest of the month. Anyway, good luck with your efforts to eliminate your porn addiction.
On a similar boat. It’s the “eh, I beat this, what’s next? just one time?”.

Which is a indication to add stuff to your life if school isn’t killing you. I know it’s hard, but it’s the only way. Fitness is a great suggestion, making women friends and getting girlfriend is a great suggestion. But it’s whatever you really want to do, that will the missing piece to let the thoughts go until the next time maybe in another 100 days when they show up again.
First...congrats on the 153 days so far! Motivation for me as I am only 4 days in (thanks for the insight!)
Fitness stuff helps but, if you are like me, too many distractions at the gym so I need to come up with workout at home.
You can do this!!