So questions about dating while on a streak of no porn.


So i have a gf now and have struggle with porn addiction for 2 years and i am 15. I am confused, so when i am not thinking about anything and when i talk to her i am fine but when i start to think when i talk to her i get worried like "Oh this isn't going to work out or you gonna fuck up doing couple things" Do type of things and honestly i hate it. I like the girl but these thoughts are killing me. i honestly think porn has made me lost all meaning of loved and emotion and stuff and i feel completely sad about it. I also still have Hocd to an extent and have been abstaining from porn a lot better and i also read whatever your wet dreams are about that's what you truly love and all of them have been about woman. Also i have been more sensitive about gay shit people say around me like if i hear a gay joke or picture i legit check my pants to see if i am reacting in anyway and also get weird out more than before. the last serious relation i had before porn was 3 years ago and i remember going thru all of this doubt but i just winged it and it went away idk if it will now since i have a porn addiction and as well hocd.
Congratulations on achieving 28 days, Redhood210. The good news for you is that you're dealing with this early on. I'm 60 and have been struggling with PMO since I was around 10. I have some suggestions - maybe try to avoid having a GF for a year or so, so you can really develop your defenses against PMO. I had to look up HOCD and I understand from your post that you're struggling with your orientation. Does your school have a psychologist? It might be helpful to get some professional help so you can sort out your feelings and thoughts.

Keep up your commitment to no PM, and your thinking will get clearer. Take things one day at a time and remember that you always have a choice and you can actually live a full life without porn and masturbation.
The thing is i am not really struggling with my Orientation i had already went over this problem before on this site and had a teacher who struggle with this problem like me. So i am a lot better and i know what i liked. I have always like girls all my life etc blah blah blah you get the story but i am just worried that Pmo could stop this relationship from working out. I think i am doing better and when we talk about sexual stuff i have had erections. So idk. i honestly think i am just overthinking it cause i am a over thinker when it comes on to stuff like this. Thanks for the advice but i am just gonna take a leap of fate and don't care what my mind tells me if it is negative at-least. I like this girl and honestly i just think i need to get back out there and not let my mind trick me to back out. I just need to get these thoughts out of my mind like "You will not get hard for her when that times comes" or "Your not a good kisser" Etc you get my point. Before My HOCD Trigger like others in this community these questions/ problems would never appear and if so i would honestly just ignore them. I can over come this with her and myself and again i want to thank you for your advice!