Social Anxiety,speech problems and depression


New Fapstronaut
Hello this is my first post here.
So I am teen 15 years old and I have Social Anxiety,speech problems and depressipn.I was always shy when I was child but i think my shyness got worse when I started fapping (at 11 or 12 yr). I am fapping like 1-2 times a day and after i fap i feel social anxiety got so worse and also my speech got worse.(i dont stutter but i have feeling i cant say words). My longest streak was 15 days and i felt little change (less anxiety) Im planning to do like 30 days,is that gonna help my anxiety and speech problems. Sorry for my english.
Hello this is my first post here.
So I am teen 15 years old and I have Social Anxiety,speech problems and depressipn.I was always shy when I was child but i think my shyness got worse when I started fapping (at 11 or 12 yr). I am fapping like 1-2 times a day and after i fap i feel social anxiety got so worse and also my speech got worse.(i dont stutter but i have feeling i cant say words). My longest streak was 15 days and i felt little change (less anxiety) Im planning to do like 30 days,is that gonna help my anxiety and speech problems. Sorry for my english.
Hey @Bara77 good to have you here, i can very much relate to your story, i was like that once aswell, complete social anxiety, exact speech problems becuase i always felt everyone knew my dirty secrets and what not. And i can tell you from personal experience that NoFap truly works at that abstaining from PMO does help, you will feel amazimg after 30 days, but dont stop there because once you do, its over you are back down again. So my suggestion would be start your own journal in the under 20 thats where iam right now. Post every day write out you emotions, thoughts, urges, anything you can think about that you are comfortable sharing. This journey will be hard the first few weeks but after 30 days it should get better, depends on how solid your reason to stop PMO is. Hope to see you there brother, take care
Hello this is my first post here.
So I am teen 15 years old and I have Social Anxiety,speech problems and depressipn.I was always shy when I was child but i think my shyness got worse when I started fapping (at 11 or 12 yr). I am fapping like 1-2 times a day and after i fap i feel social anxiety got so worse and also my speech got worse.(i dont stutter but i have feeling i cant say words). My longest streak was 15 days and i felt little change (less anxiety) Im planning to do like 30 days,is that gonna help my anxiety and speech problems. Sorry for my english.
What do you mean by speech problems? Is it like you can't think of words when you are speaking? OR Is it you know the words,you just can't say/pronounce them?