Hola friend!
I think ultimately, the question zeroes down into this - How exactly is
your relationship with your social media? Is it empowering to you? DO you think it is really empowering the community as a whole to spread the message of love, harmony, humanity, respect, empathy or do you see proliferation in hatred, disrespect, negativity, spite, insensitivity?
If you feel it is good and that it can be good tool, that's nice! I use social media as a tool as well, for communicating on formal matters. But I see people around me more divided, in real life. In my country, hatred and false info spread through social media has resulted in violence, lynching's and murders.
From the perspective of science, The thing about social media as a whole is that it was designed to make the users come back for more. The revenue behind most social media is the advertisement model and this model is fueled by your attention so the social media model as of today is fueled by your attention. The social media is a great concept and an awesome thing, but the way it is constructed and deployed currently, is to serve advertising and harnessing attention and even more important- mining your data- your attention span, your eye-movements, your scrolling are all carefully chronicled so that the algorithm can send you most effective stuff that hooks you into screen!
No! I'm not a conspiracy theorist and all! These are facts, and the facts I shared is just the tip of an icebreg!
I'd suggest you to listen to Tech experts such Jaron Lanier, Tristen Harris who shares deep insights about the social media's behind the screen.
Also the documentary called "The Social Dilemma" gives an insight into the ramifications surrounding the use of social media. I think that social media as such is a boon, but it is being used with the objective of generating profits, ignoring values and ethics.
You see, we are all porn addicts and we know how our deep rooted primal sex instincts played a role in us getting hooked to porn. Many such primal instincts, some of which we are not even aware of are being used by Tech companies to harvest our attention.
The more dividing, hate inducing, shock inducing the content is, the greater you'll be tempted to consume screen time. And people consume this irrationally, and the sense of being a part of "group" reinforces his dogma.
Borrowing the words of Yuval Noah Harrari, Machines and Algorithms know more about you than you or your loved ones know about yourself!
The sad fact is that this knowledge is being exploited for commercial interests with ethical interest being ignored. This is the issue that I see, is most relevant when we are talking about social media.
Just sharing my take on the issues brother, I'd love to know your take as well! Cheers!