Speeding up recovery & neurogenesis


I am currently in a headspace where I'm facing my deep inner demons and that has allowed me to completely let go of my addiction. Despite this I obviously face some of the withdrawals everybody's been facing and my habits are still out of wack to a degree (3 weeks clean approximately, twice in a row)

I had the idea of using a protocol to speed up recovery, make it smoother and have a stronger impact, this would involve using a few supplements and nootropics. Would love to have feedback on the idea if any of you guys have tried something similar or feedback if you think this is interesting or intriguing.

The idea is:

-Go out of my way to do a 5/7 days complete dopamine detox/meditation retreat, potentially fasted while using nootropics that have shown potential in upregulating the dopamine receptors even further: ALCAR, sulbutiamine, Uridine
The goal of this first step is to make the dopamine receptors more sensitive and make activities such as working/reading/learning and just moving forward in life more appealing, interesting and engaging.

-Get back to "real life" in that upregulated state while being careful not to overstimulate the dopamine neurons into oblivion again (no social medias, pmo...) and use lions mane mushrooms, psilocybin (microdosed or a trip once/twice a week - magic truffles) and maybe NSI-189 as these have shown potential to promote neurogenesis and neuroplasticity.
The goal of this step is to create potentially stronger connections and neural pathways to the new habits and lifestyle that feels more pleasurable now that we've done step 1 and speed up/increase the way these habits and pathways stick and replace the old ones (pmo, social medias, even thought patterns and beliefs...)

This is an interesting protocol idea i thought about, that could show potential in speeding up your recovery process or make you get over a hump