Starting my NoFap journey today!


Hi everyone!

I am a 29 years old guy and have been watching porn since I am 11 years old. I had been masturbating to porn almost everyday, it sort off became a "sleeping pill" for me as I take to "take it" to get a good sleep.

Recently, I was not able to get a firm erection while having sex with my partners. Sometimes, the erection would go away during sex and it is frustrating! I am not sure what is the cause but I would like to believe that stopping porn and masturbation would improve my erection.

I am staying today and is aiming for 30 days "clean".

For my sex life in the real world. Let's go!
I am not sure what is the cause

I'm willing to bet a LOT of money that your porn addiction is to blame. Take it from me, that's probably what it is, and it gets worse .. WAY worse if you don't start dealing with it NOW. But you've decided to deal with it..and that's a great 1st step.

I just came here myself a few days ago after coming to the conclusion that I could not live with this addiction anymore. It has cost me far too much in happiness and life quality. There are some really good people here - I've already met a few in 3 days. It's a wonderful community. I hope you find what you seek, man. Best to you on your journey.

HINT - If you haven't already, do some research on Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction; on dopamine and how it acts when you are a porn addict; on meditation.

There are some EXCELLENT youtube videos chronicling this problem and quite a few youtubers with excellent channels explaining ways to deal with and face your addictions. Search 'Porn Addiction' and you're off and running. There is TONS of info out there..and it's free.
Recently, I was not able to get a firm erection while having sex
Hello, the same happened a few times to me as well. I was not interested at all into my partner and felt kinda disgusted when touching or kissing. You lose nothing if you at least try and see how it works for you. You could read more about your "brain on porn", watch some videos (guys made really good stuff) and put your energy into something else. The community is very supportive, so you can always reach for help or advice.
I wish you all the best on your journey.
Welcome to the site! I'm new here myself, but I'm definitely not new to porn addiction. Like you, I've been using since I was about 11 or 12, and it's really affected me in a lot of negative ways. I've never suffered from Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction, but I wouldn't really know cause I've never had sex. For a long time in my earlier attempts to quit porn and masturbation I was trying to do it so that I could have real sex instead of fake porn. I've realized within the last year, for me personally, that the real goal is to become a man who doesn't require the fake status of porn, and who can withstand and thrive in an absence of sexual gratification. Porn makes me docile, it steals my motivation to accomplish real things, and also to build real relationships. In short, quitting porn won't just improve your sex life, it'll make you a stronger individual.
Hey welcome to the NoFap forum : )

It's nice to see you here fighting the good fight alongside us!

First let me go ahead and drop some helpful links for you:

Getting Started Guide / Forum Rules / How to Use the NoFap forums/ Glossary/ NoFap Panic button / Set up your day counter / Rebooting Resources/ About NoFap/ Support NoFap

Here is just some advice:

First and foremost please take a look at each section in the forum, there might be something(s) you may find of big help to you. Feel free to post there :+)

Then secondly I just advise you to be active on your profile(as there a few active people in the profile section). Please start by choosing an avatar and then make daily status posts to show you're active and needing support/encouragement. They've also got a neat little feature that shows freshly posted statuses for all users to see. People will find your profile and give you encouragement/support.

Theres a portion of people who love communicating in the profile section..(it should be and is )mostly spportive talk but it doesn't hurt to deviate from supportive talk. It would be great to have you join in and support others in the threads, profiles, and journal. Make sure and be grateful for the help you received and give some help after receiving some. Invest in some people's journeys. We could always use your help and in return you shall receive some as well!

Thirdly, You should also highly consider creating a public journal/log (in the appropriate section for you) and write about your days in more depth for us members to follow along your journey and offer support to you by way of posting in your journal.

Last but not least: Good luck on your journey here, make sure to really give it a try with all your heart!
Hi and welcome to the community

I would recommend you to stay in touch with members and read their success stories. You may also learn tricks to avoid the short-term pleasure and to face the temptations.

Be AWARE of your habits and control what you see and what/who you spend your time with.

It's also important to limit the usage of social media. In addition, never be free! Use your free time as much as possible and do sports, exercise, attend classes, etc.

This video contains everything that you need to know about porn addiction. Lastly, here is a collection of ways to deal with the urges which worked great for me.

֍ You got this my friend ֍
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I'm willing to bet a LOT of money that your porn addiction is to blame. Take it from me, that's probably what it is, and it gets worse .. WAY worse if you don't start dealing with it NOW. But you've decided to deal with it..and that's a great 1st step.

I just came here myself a few days ago after coming to the conclusion that I could not live with this addiction anymore. It has cost me far too much in happiness and life quality. There are some really good people here - I've already met a few in 3 days. It's a wonderful community. I hope you find what you seek, man. Best to you on your journey.

HINT - If you haven't already, do some research on Porn-Induced Erectile Dysfunction; on dopamine and how it acts when you are a porn addict; on meditation.

There are some EXCELLENT youtube videos chronicling this problem and quite a few youtubers with excellent channels explaining ways to deal with and face your addictions. Search 'Porn Addiction' and you're off and running. There is TONS of info out there..and it's free.

Thank you very much! It is nice to hear encouraging words that would keep me going. I am already resisting my urge right now as my mind is already asking me to watch pron.

I'll definitely look into those YouTube video you mentioned.

All the best!
Hello, the same happened a few times to me as well. I was not interested at all into my partner and felt kinda disgusted when touching or kissing. You lose nothing if you at least try and see how it works for you. You could read more about your "brain on porn", watch some videos (guys made really good stuff) and put your energy into something else. The community is very supportive, so you can always reach for help or advice.
I wish you all the best on your journey.

Thank you and it is nice seeing support from fellows. All the best on your journey!
Welcome to the site! I'm new here myself, but I'm definitely not new to porn addiction. Like you, I've been using since I was about 11 or 12, and it's really affected me in a lot of negative ways. I've never suffered from Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction, but I wouldn't really know cause I've never had sex. For a long time in my earlier attempts to quit porn and masturbation I was trying to do it so that I could have real sex instead of fake porn. I've realized within the last year, for me personally, that the real goal is to become a man who doesn't require the fake status of porn, and who can withstand and thrive in an absence of sexual gratification. Porn makes me docile, it steals my motivation to accomplish real things, and also to build real relationships. In short, quitting porn won't just improve your sex life, it'll make you a stronger individual.

Hi, I like how committed you are in this with a greater goal than just sex life. You have my respect.

Let's get through this together! For the better us!
Hi, I like how committed you are in this with a greater goal than just sex life. You have my respect.

Let's get through this together! For the better us!

Let me know if you need any specific help at all! I'd maybe check out the Universal Man YouTube channel if you haven't already. He's got a lot of good advice, especially in his sexual self-mastery series.
Let me know if you need any specific help at all! I'd maybe check out the Universal Man YouTube channel if you haven't already. He's got a lot of good advice, especially in his sexual self-mastery series.

Very good channel. I've watched a lot of him over the past few days. *** is good too. Speaks in a very easy way to understand things. Noah Church is another one I've been listening to. Actually, he was one of the 1st vids I found on the subject of addiction kicking.
I've heard Noah Church's name thrown around. I'm gonna check him out
He's got some really good vids on addictions and such. Lots of vids on meditation, self improvement, etc. His video on addiction was one of the 1st (if not the first) video I EVER watched on addiction, just a few days ago. He has some interesting concepts on addiction, on what they truly are, and how to battle them successfully.
Hi there... :)

Welcome to the community!
Success comes to those who strive for it. I’m sure you’ll be successful in your goals one day.
Good luck!