Starting to see a lot of beautiful and attractive women around me

Captain K'nuckles

In the bus, in the streets, in the college after giving up porn i start notice so many beautiful and charismatic girls who surround me, the world is starting to look more colorful, i feel my feelings towards people are going back to what should be, did you guys experienced things like this?
captain, I felt this rush in the first few weeks too. For me, After about 4-5 weeks the rush of color and perception of beautiful and charismatic women began to become the norm. This was nice, but like with anything good, once you have it all the time it is easy to fail to notice. I have been P-free for over 90 days, and it is great to wipe the mental images of P away and see women as the beautiful, charismatic, loving and special human beings that they are. Keep up the good fight Captain! The rewards are plentiful and well worth the battle.
That's not much time, you're lucky if you have such benefits after 2 weeks. :)

Just hold on! Imagine what benefits would you have if you go for a month, 3 months, 1 year, etc...
I feel the same way, I'm also appreciating the little things about girls. Like I'm actually enjoying hugs lol I was never the kind of guy to really enjoy hugs even from girls I liked. But I'm now offering hugs to every girl I know lol

Also, more attraction from girls. This is something I was kind of skeptical about when I first joined NoFap. But I couldn't ignore all the posts I've seen on here and r/NoFap. Personally, I'm starting to get some looks. It's not as if girls are hypnotized or drooling but I am getting some looks. Semen retention does make a lot of sense to me.