After everything im still not over her even though its been 7 years, alot has changed for us over the years, we both grew up, are both still single and both have things we are passionate about, we've been our separate ways for a few years following our own paths and figuring ourselves out. Earlier this year I reached out and apologized for the break up and how at the time she would hurting, doing this helped me move on from the regret of breaking up with her, I no longer felt guilt or shame. I stopped thinking about her for a few months and moved on, but then I started thinking about her again, but they were thoughts of wanting to catch up with her in person and see how she was, but another part of me was trying to avoid her as much as possible to maintain no contact, and I made no contact with her for 5 months. But then I had all of these relapses last month and felt lonely, all I could think about was her, so I subscribed to this coach to help me get back with my ex and he has been giving me helpful tips. I decided that my ex may be the one worth fighting for, no guarantees but there is that possibility, it was the only motivating me after my relapse and it helped me get back up when I was at my lowest, im going to fight for her. I know what you are all thinking that I should forget about her and move on, but the thing is its not that simple because I still have a thing for her. Whenever I've tried to get back with her ive always lacked confidence resulting in failed attempts, but new approach is to build on my confidence while working on self improvement and start talking to her again, in a way im going to make myself attractive to her or any other female out there without making it obvious. Feel free to share your opinions, but you should know, ive already made up my mind for now.